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the CPC (Community Preservation Committee), it did not appear on the Warrant. She was <br /> informed that the Selectmen removed this from the Warrant. <br /> Prior to the meeting, Mrs. Botsford distributed the language in the Town Meeting Warrant on <br /> the article that is supposed to be for the Housing Assistance Program, Article #14 as well as <br /> another copy of the CPC letter, dated January 28, 2019, which stated that our application for <br /> Housing Assistance Program II would be funded, pending Town Meeting vote and subject to a <br /> Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of Selectmen and Mashpee Housing <br /> Authority. <br /> A motion was made by Jill Allen and seconded by Lisa Meizinger to have the board <br /> address concerns with Article 14 as presented in the Town Warrant language. The motion <br /> carried unanimously. <br /> Lengthy discussion ensued regarding the difference between what we applied for, and were <br /> granted by the Community Preservation Committee, and the language as it appears in the <br /> Warrant Article and the printed explanation for May Town Meeting. After discussion, it was <br /> decided that our chairman would approach the Town Manager to express our concerns about the <br /> Affordable Housing Trust being the administrator of the Housing Assistance Program, since <br /> we've been managing it for about 7 years. If the article goes forward as printed, the Mashpee <br /> Housing Authority will request a motion to strike or remove the Mashpee Housing Authority <br /> language in the explanation of the article, as there is no language in the article item to include us <br /> and we would not be involved in managing the program going forward. The other alternative is <br /> to make a motion to amend Article 14 to properly reflect our application and the CPC's award. <br /> A motion was made by Jill Allen and seconded by Lisa Meizinger to move forward with <br /> these desired steps toward resolution to the problem as identified previously and to include <br /> that we will have our board meeting early in May, on the second instead of the ninth in <br /> order to re-visit this issue. The motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Botsford will forward a <br /> packet to all board members to include our application for HAP 11 funding, the CPC Award <br /> letter, wording for Article number 14 for the May Town Meeting warrant and the description. <br /> B). Executive Director's Contract: As agreed at the previous meeting, Mrs. Botsford had <br /> forwarded to board members a proposed contract for her continued employment with Mashpee <br /> Housing Authority. She stated that she had included some of the DHCD language in the contract <br /> that they put in the guidelines, but this was not the suggested DHCD contract. Mrs. Botsford <br /> reminded the board that MassNAHRO has contracted with a labor attorney who will be filing suit <br /> on behalf of housing authority executive directors because DHCD is basically mandating certain <br /> language and layout of the executive director contract which directors believe (and the attorney <br /> believes) is against the law as written. Most boards agree that the language in Massachusetts <br /> Law is clear that the board hires and contracts with the executive director. Although we <br /> acknowledge that DHCD has a right to review the contract and make sure that the salary is in line <br /> with their schedule and guidelines, there are many items in the DHCD sample contract that we do <br /> not feel comfortable with. Also presented to the members was the DHCD Executive Director's <br /> Salary Calculation Worksheet. Mrs. Botsford is requesting a 2% raise in salary for the start of <br /> this contract, which is still below the maximum allowable salary allowed by DHCD per their <br /> Page 3 of 4 <br />