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Mashpee - Wakeby Lake Management <br /> Committee` <br /> March 26,2019 <br /> 7:30 PM <br /> Mash' ee Town Hall <br /> Meeting Galled by Debi McManus <br /> Type of meeting: Monthly <br /> Secretary Barbara B. Nichols <br /> Attendees: Members: Brian Mauro, Barbara Nichols <br /> Guests: <br /> The minutes of the January 22, 2018 meeting were accepted as written after a motion by Brian Mauro and <br /> second by Barbara Nichols. <br /> Agenda topics <br /> [Agenda topic 1] Lake level/River outflow <br /> Discussion: Barbara did the lake measurements on February 1St. and 15th. Both times the level was at 55.7 <br /> ft. above sea level with 16 and 16.75 inches of water flowing over the board closest to the lake. Both <br /> dates had 14 inches of water in the stream by the stairs. March measurements were done on March 1St. and <br /> 15th. Both dates the level remained at 55.7 ft. above sea level. There were 16.75 and 17 inches of water <br /> flowing over the board closest to the lake and 14 and 14.5 inches of water in the stream. On March 1 st <br /> DPW was just bringing their equipment out, after removing the sand between the jetties and downstream <br /> from the cage. Back at the parking lot, Barbara met Drew McManus of Conservation with a new saw. He <br /> was going in to clean the brush on the path, which was much clearer on my March 15th visit. <br /> On February 26th, Drew emailed that he was concerned about the high water velocity, and that he might <br /> have to put a 2 x4 in the sluiceway downstream to enable herring migration mid- March. The sand <br /> dredging lowered the water velocity and the concern lessened. Drew will let us know of any board <br /> changes. <br /> Conclusions: The level remains at 55.7 Ft. Spring sand dredging is done and the path cleared. <br /> [Agenda topic 2] Harbormaster Position Update <br /> Discussion: Barbara spoke with John Santangelo, Acting Harbormaster, and he reported they were in the <br /> process of doing background checks on their preferred candidate. Several good candidates had applied <br /> and one should be named soon. <br /> Conclusions: Background checks are being done on the preferred candidate. <br />