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[Agenda topic 3] Spring Newsletter <br /> Discussion: Work is starting on the Spring Newsletter which we hope to have ready by Memorial Day. <br /> Barbara is working on the bass tourney list for 2019, and we should have an article on the new <br /> Harbormaster once he is approved. An article on Lowell Holly and plans for swim areas should be <br /> included, and one on trout stocking. Brown trout were stocked in the lake on March 25tH <br /> Conclusions: Ideas for the spring newsletter were discussed. <br /> [Agenda topic 4] Debris at Town Ramp <br /> Discussion: Don notified Catherine Laurent, DPW on January 23`d. that a mattress that had been dumped <br /> at the State ramp. She emailed back that DPW had removed it. <br /> Conclusions: Debris at the state ramp has been removed. <br /> [Agenda topic 5] 2019 Bass Tournaments <br /> Discussion: Barbara emailed David Diotalevi and he emailed the list of 25 events scheduled for Mashpee <br /> Wakeby Lake for 2019. Per usual, the time of the events and number of participants required a separate <br /> request. Barbara noted immediately that one event on August 20H was scheduled to start at 6 AM. On <br /> notifying David, he quickly rescheduled the event to 7AM. <br /> Conclusions: The bass tournament list from the State has been obtained and they are correcting the time <br /> on one event. Barbara will compile the list for the spring newsletter. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />