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inquired whether the Committee was interested in identifying a picture for the brochure and Ms. Doyle reported <br /> that she had worked on developing a possible committee logo to be used for the future. <br /> Ms. Waterman inquired whether the draft of the brochure had been shared with the Chamber, adding that <br /> changes were needed regarding some of the text and inquiring about possible overlap between the two <br /> resources. The Chair confirmed that she would be contacting everyone listed in the MIDC brochure to confirm <br /> that the proper text and contact information was being used. The Chair confirmed that Ms. Palumbo was <br /> supportive of the brochure. Ms. Wilson noted that Mashpee Human Services did not appear on the list, but <br /> would be a good resource to add. Ms. Waterman noted that the Senior Center thoughtfully marketed their <br /> programs, and used terms such as "older adults," and Ms. Doyle suggested developing a listing of Town <br /> Departments. Ms. Waterman suggested the need to ensure that all populations were addressed, including the <br /> population of 20-60 year olds,while children and teens and older adults were already being addressed. <br /> There was support for the possibility of developing a logo for the Committee. Ms. DeBoer suggested offering a <br /> contest for the high school students. Ms. Waterman suggested inclusion of the Mashpee Seal to identify the <br /> Committee as a Town Committee. Mr. Horner suggested that the logo include the five races of the world and <br /> Ms. Doyle noted that she had been brainstorming ideas and anything could be changed. Ms. Wilson stated that <br /> the Substance Use Task Force had a logo contest at the high school to develop a logo for the Task Force. Ms. <br /> Waterman stated that it would be important that a logo incorporate the mission of the Committee. Ms. Nadeau <br /> suggested that identifying the goals of the Committee would be helpful in creating the identity of the <br /> Committee. <br /> Community Awareness/Diversity Campaign Subcommittee-Ms. Nadeau reported that they had not <br /> yet met as a subcommittee, but, at the last meeting, it had been determined that a prompt would be developed <br /> and the timeframe had been pushed back to the fall. The subcommittee would meet again to develop more <br /> details for the next meeting. <br /> Veterans Parking-Mr. Horner distributed an image from Shaw's in Hyannis showing a designated <br /> shopping space for combat wounded Veterans. Mr. Horner met again with Major Quilty, who had spoken with <br /> 15 districts regarding the Committee's efforts to establish the Veteran parking space. Major Quilty shared with <br /> Mr. Horner the work that had been done by Leominster in support of Veterans. The Chair noted that Mashpee <br /> also honored Veterans in the Enterprise. Mr. Horner reported that Major Quilty would be sending a letter to <br /> Representative Tim Whelan. Mr. Horner was exploring outside of the Committee, on his own, to see if the <br /> Governor would be interested in pursuing the possibility of designating parking spaces for Veterans throughout <br /> Massachusetts. Mr. Horner reported that there were 70 parking spaces at the library and 65 parking spaces at <br /> the Senior Center, not including handicapped parking. Mr. Horner wished to develop the proposal and include <br /> those additional Town buildings. Ms. Waterman inquired whether the Committee had determined that they <br /> would first focus on Town Hall and the Chair noted that, initially, the proposal considered all Town buildings <br /> and the Town Manager had suggested that further research be conducted regarding parking space availability, <br /> but only at Town Hall. Mr. Horner confirmed that there were approximately 24 spaces at Town Hall that were <br /> not typically filled. Mr. Horner also spoke with Don Lincoln in Falmouth, who strongly advised creating a <br /> permanent parking space, rather than a roll away sign. Major Quilty agreed to join Mr. Horner in a meeting <br /> with the Town Manager to extend his support for the MIDC proposal. Mr. Horner noted that some actions <br /> should be taken because it is the right thing to do and not necessarily data driven. The Chair stated that the <br /> Committee would have Mr. Horner follow up with Mr. Collins and Mr. Horner confirmed that he would follow <br /> up with Ms. Landry to coordinate another meeting. <br /> Community Television Presentation-The Chair reported that she had been interviewed for a <br /> community television program and today a crew was filming a portion of the meeting to be included with the <br /> footage. The Chair will let the Committee know when the program was available. Ms. Waterman inquired <br /> about the content of the interview and the Chair responded that she had drafted notes to include the history and <br /> 2 <br />
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