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It was Mr. Virgilio's opinion that the work had not been completed properly and questioned how <br /> the project proponent would properly maintain the work. Mr. Phelan inquired how the Board <br /> could help and Mr. Balzarini responded that Mr. Rowley could be directed to follow up with the <br /> developer regarding completion of work. Mr. Lehrer stated that the Board had completed a <br /> Permit Modification to institute a timeline for the incomplete construction. Mr. Lehrer explained <br /> that the developer had entered a Tri-Partite Agreement with the bank and the Town, with a <br /> performance guarantee to meet the guidelines, according to the approved plan. However, <br /> enforcement was limited, beyond accessing the funds set aside in the performance guarantee if <br /> the obligation was defaulted. Mr. Lehrer stated that the best case scenario was for Mr. Rowley to <br /> consult with the developer to identify the issues and have the developer resolve the issues, or use <br /> the guarantee to complete the work. Mr. Rowley stated that, if the developer did not resolve the <br /> area he was required to properly complete, he would be in violation of the terms of the Special <br /> Permit and the Board could vote to require that the developer report to the Board. Mr. Rowley <br /> confirmed that he would contact Mr. Morin to schedule a walk through for the remaining issues. <br /> Mr. Hansen expressed concern about the long term effect of silt spilling into the drainage area, <br /> which would prevent the ability of the system to drain the water. Mr. Rowley confirmed that the <br /> catch basins of the leaching pits would be inspected to determine whether there had been <br /> contamination. <br /> Charles Rowley May 2019 Invoice-An invoice in the amount of$695 was received <br /> from Charles Rowley for regular services, including attendance at one meeting and inspections. <br /> Mr. Lehrer noted that there was an additional invoice received for inspections at Southport in the <br /> amount of$100, to be paid by Southport. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to pay Mr. Rowley for the invoice in the amount <br /> of$695. Mr. Callahan seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to pay $100 to Mr. Rowley for services to <br /> Southport. Mr. Callahan seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> Payment vouchers were signed by Planning Board members. <br /> OLD BUSINESS <br /> Release of Covenant Request for Evergreen Circle Subdivision-Jeff Ford, attorney <br /> representing the applicant, was present with applicants Marl-,and Peter Govoni, to request a <br /> Release of Covenant. Mr. Ford summarized that, at the last meeting, four issues were identified <br /> to include the completion of the road pavement on site,the establishment of the grass on the <br /> shoulders and Conservation Commission approval for the remediation plan. Photographs of the <br /> grass areas were distributed for review. Mr. Lehrer confirmed that he was in receipt of emails <br /> from the DPW Director, who noted that the developer had purchased street and stop signs that <br /> would be installed during the next week. The Conservation Agent confirmed that the <br /> Commission had voted unanimously to approve the restoration plan and endorsed the <br /> recommendation for the gifting of the Open Space to the Conservation Commission. <br /> 4 <br />