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MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to release the bond and would not have to get one <br /> for next year. <br /> Mr. Lehrer clarified the motion. Mr. Balzarini rescinded his first motion. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to draft a letter to Mr. Murner, identifying that <br /> the construction had been completed according to the plan, and that the Board would not <br /> require the reissuance of the Performance Bond,so that the insurance company could <br /> release the bond and would not need another bond the following year. Mr. Callahan <br /> seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> Charles Rowley Report Regarding Ockway Highlands Complaint-Mr. Rowley <br /> reported that, in response to an email he received from Mr. Lehrer, he had visited Ockway <br /> Highlands to review the site, including concerns about the drainage area adjacent to Great Neck <br /> Road South and inspection holes for the depth of the loam in four locations. Mr. Rowley stated <br /> that the thinly seeded areas would require additional loam and hydroseeding. Mr. Rowley <br /> reported that a drainage pipe had not been cut off as requested, and the 4"-6" stone had not been <br /> added. The area rebuilt with reclaimed material had been stabilized and was holding well. Mr. <br /> Rowley confirmed that he had been in contact with Mr. Morin three weeks ago, who indicated <br /> that he was working on the site. Mr. Rowley offered to schedule a meeting on site with Mr. <br /> Morin to further discuss completion of the project. There was consensus from the Board for Mr. <br /> Rowley to do so. <br /> Ernie Virgilio, Blue Castle Drive, was invited to provide public comment. Mr. Virgilio <br /> expressed frustration and disgust at the mess located in front of his home, emphasizing the <br /> efforts of his wife throughout their yard. Mr. Virgilio shared photographs with the Board <br /> depicting the runoff, stating that the system was not completed correctly, causing harm to the <br /> area with material infiltrating the system. Mr. Virgilio stated that he had video showing the <br /> water entering into his garage and basement, as a result of the malfunctioning stormwater <br /> system. Mr. Virgilio stated that the incorrect stone had been placed at the site and did not allow <br /> for the system to work properly. Mr. Virgilio expressed frustration that the developer continued <br /> to be non-compliant and inquired whether the groundwater elevation was confirmed prior to the <br /> placement of the system. Mr. Virgilio expected that appropriate vegetation would be added, <br /> cared for by the Virgilio's, rather than the ugly mess in the front of their home. Mr. Virgilio <br /> pointed out the black pipe, placed improperly on site. Mr. Virgilio also expressed concern about <br /> the location of a sign, at the intersection of the road, rather than the location of the development, <br /> which was further up the road. Mr. Virgilio and his wife were seeking improvements so that <br /> they could again enjoy their property. <br /> Mr. Rowley confirmed that the groundwater elevation was checked on the day that the galley <br /> system was installed. Mr. Rowley wished to re-check the plans regarding the pipe and his <br /> request that it be cut off, to form to the slope. Mr. Rowley stated that, although it was <br /> incomplete, some seeding had occurred. <br /> 3 <br />