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NEW BUSINESS <br /> Request for Release of Covenant for Conaumet Highlands Subdivision, 6 Balfour <br /> Lane-Mr. Lehrer referenced the 5/16/19 letter from Conni Baker,the attorney representing the <br /> applicant for the Release of Covenant for 6 Balfour Lane. Mr. Lehrer stated that the current <br /> property owner wished to sell the parcel and transfer the title, but the title search showed that the <br /> property was still subject to the 1972 Covenant. Mr. Lehrer confirmed that a cash security was <br /> accepted in 2007 to complete the roadway from lot line to lot line, in front of the house, and <br /> should have replaced the covenant as a performance guarantee, but there was no evidence of its <br /> recording in the Registry. The Board was presented with minutes from that timeframe regarding <br /> the matter. Mr. Lehrer confirmed that he had sought permission from the Chair for Mr. Rowley <br /> to review the site, in order to allow for the Covenant Release. <br /> Mr. Rowley confirmed that he reviewed the site, referencing photos from the packet showing <br /> that the site continued to look the same. Mr. Rowley confirmed that the area in front of the lot <br /> being discussed was fine, bounds were in place and the drainage was sufficient. Mr. Lehrer <br /> confirmed that the security totaled $2,000 for the completion of the shoulder work. Mr. Rowley <br /> suggested that the security remain in place for the loam and seeding at the intersection and <br /> recommended release of the Covenant. <br /> Mr. Phelan inquired about the parcel and Mr. Lehrer and Mr. Rowley explained that, over the <br /> years, improvements were being made during the lot release process, lot line to lot line, to <br /> improve the roadways. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to release Lot#9, shown on a plan, entitled <br /> Conaumet Highlands in Mashpee,MA in March 1, 1972,from the Covenant Agreement <br /> dated May 3, 1972. Mr. Callahan seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The Release was signed by Planning Board members. <br /> Naukabout Beer Co. 2018 Performance Bond Status Update-Mr. Murner was present <br /> to request a release from Naukabout's landscaping Performance Bond. Mr. Murner noted that <br /> Naukabout had worked with Mr. Rowley and Mr. Weeden, on behalf of the Board,to develop a <br /> suitable plan for the exterior patio work, which was approved by the Board. The work was <br /> completed in August and September, and then opened for use by the customers. Photographs of <br /> the completed work and a letter were submitted to Mr. Lehrer, requesting Naukabout's release <br /> from the bond. Mr. Murner confirmed that they changed the area as little as possible, while also <br /> creating flat space for customer use. Mr. Balzarini had viewed the work and stated that <br /> Naukabout had done a nice job. Mr. Phelan stated that he had also visited the site and confirmed <br /> that an issue he had with egress had been addressed. Mr. Lehrer explained that the bond was <br /> being held by an insurance company and Mr. Murner was inquiring whether he needed to renew <br /> the bond with the insurance company for an additional year. Mr. Rowley confirmed that he had <br /> passed through the site, and it appeared in good condition, adding that he could inspect the site if <br /> the Board asked him to do so. Mr. Hansen also visited the site and agreed that the project looked <br /> to be complete. <br /> 2 <br />