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[Agenda topic 3] Spring Newsletter <br /> Discussion: Terrie Cook helped format the newsletter, and it was approved by the Town Manager. <br /> Barbara received 25copies and placed some in the Town Hall. The newsletter was sent to David <br /> DelVecchio in IT and he emailed back on June 7`i', that the newsletter was available on the town web site. <br /> Conclusions: The spring newsletter is finished and available at Town Hall and on the Town web site. <br /> [Agenda topic 4] Maps Nutrient Loading Ponds <br /> Discussion: Mike brought up the fact that the town's plan for sewers is based on the estuary research with <br /> no concern for the fresh water ponds in Town. This week, warnings for cyanobacteria in Santuit pond, as <br /> well as 4 others on the Cape raised red flags which should concern everyone. Mike will look for the <br /> watershed plans for Mashpee Lake. <br /> Conclusions: Cyanobacteria have been found in Santuit Pond. <br /> [Agenda topic 51 Amplified Music at Naukabout . <br /> Beer. <br /> Discussion: At their meeting on June 17t1i, the Selectmen voted 3-Ito allow Naukabout Beer to play <br /> amplified music at their establishment behind Attaquin Beach from 12-8 PM weekends and until 6 pm on <br /> week days. Barbara spoke against it, fearing the sound would will carry across the water and bother <br /> nearby inhabitants. The license is conditional for 30 days to see if there are complaints from neighbors. <br /> Barbara has contact information and cell # from the manager/owner Peter, who expressed he would try to <br /> mitigate any noise problems. Barbara was concerned about the origin of loud music this past Sunday with <br /> amplified base noise, which Debi said came from a boat and not the micro- brewery. <br /> Conclusions: Naukabout Beer now has a license for amplified music until 8 PM. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />