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Chair expressed concern that it would not allow for sufficient time to properly review proposed Zoning <br /> Articles, similar to what happened last year. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to maintain the second Monday of July as the deadline <br /> for proposed Articles amending the Zoning Bylaw. Mr. Cummings seconded the motion. All <br /> voted unanimously. <br /> The Chair will draft a memo. Mr. Balzarini suggested requesting a policy, with the Board of <br /> Selectmen,that Zoning Articles be received by the Planning Board one month prior to the July <br /> deadline, for Planning Board review. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion that proposed zoning amendments by other staff and <br /> Boards be received one month in advance. Mr. Cummings seconded the motion. <br /> Mr. Lehrer stated that the timelines for Zoning submissions were mandated by the statutory Zoning <br /> Act and the motion would request greater notice than was needed by State law. The Chair stated that <br /> Warrant Articles submitted to the Board of Selectmen should be provided to the Planning Board within <br /> 14 days of submission to the Board of Selectmen. Mr. Phelan suggested that,rather than making a <br /> motion,the Planning Board could discuss their request with the Board of Selectmen,particularly as it <br /> could not be changed for this year. The Chair indicated that the Bylaw Review Committee did not <br /> request Public Comment,but the Chair inquired and found that the Committee would not commit to <br /> informing the Planning Board, The Chair noted that Mashpee should be working together. Mr. <br /> Balzarini agreed with discussing the matter with the Board of Selectmen. <br /> Mr. Balzarini rescinded his motion and Mr. Cummings rescinded his second. <br /> Mr. Phelan will speak with the Board of Selectmen regarding the Planning Board's request and Mr. <br /> Balzarini and Mr. Cummings would also attend the meeting on July 15. The Chair asked that any <br /> changes to the meeting time be shared with the Board. <br /> BOARD MEMBER COMMITTEE UPDATES <br /> Cape Cod Commission-Mr. Callahan reported that the Comprehensive Economic <br /> Development Strategy had set their strategy for the next five years. The Chair asked Mr. Lehrer to <br /> copy all Board members on Cape Cod Commission emails. <br /> Community Preservation Committee-The Chair reported that the CPC had finalized their <br /> memo for the Board of Selectmen regarding the 3% surcharge discussion. The CPC identified that <br /> there continued to be a need for affordable housing,historic preservation, open space and recreation in <br /> Mashpee. It was determined that the 3% surcharge would continue until it competed with other <br /> financial needs of the Town, such as wastewater management. It was noted that, after 2020, a Cape <br /> Cod town could opt out of the Land Bank. <br /> Design Review Committee-No meeting <br /> Plan Review-No meeting <br /> Environmental Oversight Committee-No meeting <br /> Greenway Project& Quashnet Footbridge-No update <br /> Historic District Commission-No meeting <br /> MMR Military Civilian Community Council-MMR Joint Land Use Study-Mr. Phelan was <br /> continuing to research the organization further. Mr. Lehrer stated that he would follow up with Joint <br /> 5 <br />