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-2- <br /> We discussed the proposal by the Town to reallocate 2% of the CPC funds to Waste Water <br /> proposed projects and the other proposed 1% to be allocated to the four previously established <br /> categories of affordable housing, conservation, recreation, and historical preservation. We <br /> agreed that spending funds to improve the water quality in Mashpee is in the best interest of the <br /> Mashpee Community. The change in the percentages for these funds will be voted on in the <br /> October Town Meeting. <br /> Nancy brought up for discussion the photographs presently being kept in the basement, in <br /> particular the framed photos which need to be stored properly. We have contacted W.B. Mason <br /> who installed our rolling storage shelving to see if they would have something that would work to <br /> assist us in properly storing these larger items. Nancy will also be working on organizing our <br /> map collection. <br /> Brian Hyde made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:25 pm, and Richard seconded the <br /> motion. Our next meeting will be held on Thursday, September 12t" at 4:OOpm at the Archives. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Ann Graham, Sr. Clerk <br />