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08/15/2019 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
08/15/2019 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
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Town of Mashpee Sewer Commission Minutes 8/15/19 <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North, Mashpee, MA 02649 <br /> Mashpee Town Hall, Ockway Meeting Room <br /> Attendance: <br /> Members:Tom Fudala,Joe Lyons, Brad Pittsley <br /> Public: Ken Dunn, Mary Waygan, Mary Adams, Nancy Curran, Ryan Spencer <br /> Convene time: 7:04pm <br /> Approval of minutes: <br /> Joe Lyons motioned to accept minutes from 7/18/19 with corrections. Brad Pittsley seconded, all in <br /> favor, motion passed. <br /> Status of Final Plan: <br /> No implementation began other than the limited shellfish propagation and WWTP preliminary design. <br /> JBCC shared facility proposal/report by Wright-Pierce.Selectmen voted to pursue study and indicated <br /> that the Town was interested in that. The plan would have Mashpee,Sandwich, and Barnstable pump <br /> sewage to a new facility on the base. Falmouth and Bourne are limited to pump into that pipeline. <br /> There's not enough capacity available on that part of the base to handle the wastewater that's being <br /> pumped from all those towns. Looking to potentially acquire 100 acres from the Army Corps of <br /> Engineers that's adjacent.There are a lot of unanswered questions about this right now. <br /> Save Popponesset Bay Water Quality Committee: Mary Adams and Nancy Curran were present. Lately a <br /> lot of members are concerned about quality of water, clearly it's getting worse and not better.Spent the <br /> last year educating and it's especially encouraging that there is on paper, a combined phase program to <br /> improve the quality using shellfish.They were unaware of how many treatment plants are already in <br /> Mashpee. Tom Fudala explained there are ten in Mashpee and that what we're proposing is new <br /> technology in closed buildings,with almost no chemicals involved.Joe Lyons said to keep in mind that <br /> they are a real potential asset, part of the master plan. None of the ten clean the water efficiently, with <br /> the exception of the Mashpee Commons plant. What we need to do is put a plant in that takes a big <br /> chunk of the water and reduces it to 3mg.The Commons will continue to reduce it to 3mg. Then we <br /> have to address those other of the ten that are at 10mg or sometimes higher and try to get them down <br /> to 3mg. Whether we absorb them into the municipality or we take them over,or they give them to <br /> us...all of those issues are so many we can't discuss anymore, but that's the overall plan. We have to <br /> get the wastewater down around 3mg,then we will probably be able to cut our plan costs in half <br /> because it will take so much of the nitrogen out of the wastewater from populated areas. <br /> Nancy Curran asked how the Town can help the Community understand the plans. Joe Lyons said it has <br /> been recorded, it's been put on the website, but unfortunately, when you put an engineering plan on a <br /> website, most people don't understand it. It's actually quite simple, we're going with the newest thing <br /> that filters at the most effective level and at a reasonable cost. It took twenty years to get this plan <br /> consummated. Mary Waygan stated that the Board of Selectmen posted the agenda and meeting packet <br /> online.The subject of cost came up and Joe Lyons said an important issue that affects the price,we <br /> don't know what the shellfish are doing. The shellfish have a weakness, if they get bacteria and <br />
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