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hearing and adopted at Town Meeting before being considered by the Cape Cod Commission for <br /> a public hearing and approval. <br /> Mr. Balzarini inquired about existing conditions data, and Ms. Schaefer responded that data <br /> could be used from the 2017 American Communities Survey or other best available data. Mr. <br /> Balzarini suggested that the Plan be first considered by the Cape Cod Commission prior to <br /> acceptance at Town Meeting, but Ms. Senatori responded that the Town would work <br /> collaboratively with the Cape Cod Commission on the plan, with updates during the process. <br /> Mr. Balzarini inquired whether the Town was required to develop their plan based on the <br /> Commission's guidelines and Ms. Senatori stated that the guidelines would help the towns with <br /> the process, but the towns would be allowed to define the plan through the public process. <br /> Mr. Phelan noted that the process would be a joint effort with the Cape Cod Commission, so it <br /> should not be an issue to acquire their approval. Mr. Phelan inquired whether there was a <br /> recommendation as to how best to initiate the process. Ms. Schaefer responded that the process <br /> would depend on the preferences of the community but would likely include such options as <br /> workshops or surveys. Mr. Phelan noted that a survey had been utilized previously. The Chair <br /> noted that the last survey was completed sometime during the 2000s. Mr. Balzarini inquired <br /> whether there were grant funds available to conduct a survey and Mr. Lehrer responded that the <br /> LCP process could be costly, particularly if hiring a consultant, which could be incorporated into <br /> the budgeting process, but further definition regarding the process was necessary. <br /> The Chair inquired whether Ms. Schaefer was familiar with Mashpee's chapters and whether <br /> they would be comparable to the guidelines. Ms. Schaefer stated that the LCP was a local plan <br /> and would be determined by the Town how best to organize it, but the guideline document would <br /> be helpful in advising the Town. The Chair inquired whether the minimum would be to address <br /> each goal and Ms. Senatori responded that it needed to be consistent with the Regional Policy <br /> Plan. The Chair inquired as to which towns were currently updating their LCPs and Ms. Senatori <br /> responded that Bourne was actively updating their plan, and that Truro, Brewster and Wellfleet <br /> were beginning the process. The Chair noted that the Affordable Housing Committee was <br /> looking to develop a provisional HPP, based on existing data, with an updated version provided <br /> following receipt of the census data. <br /> The Chair agreed with Mr. Phelan that the Board review the RPP and executive summary to <br /> identify key chapters for Mashpee. The Chair felt that Economic Development was likely the <br /> most outdated chapter, and could be a good use for funds. Mr. Lehrer suggested that the EDIC <br /> may have funds available to assist with an update. Mr. Lehrer would discuss the matter further <br /> with the Town Manager. Mr. Lehrer stated that the timing was right for newer visioning. Mr. <br /> Balzarini inquired whether all chapters or the identification of a vision would require a public <br /> hearing and Mr. Lehrer responded that the process to participate would be determined by the <br /> Boards and he recommended a multi-dimensional approach. <br /> 2 <br />