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Town oj'Mashpee --istorical Corrunission J1 <br /> 16 Great Neck Road North <br /> Mashpee,Massachusetts 02649 <br /> ti Telephone- (508)539-1438 <br /> MASHP]BE HISTORICAL COMMISSION <br /> documents from the 1800's and consider them a priority. Motion passed unanimously by all <br /> present. <br /> The last request is for the Towns 150th Anniversary, Brian Hyde Motions and 2nd by Rosemary <br /> Burns Love deem the 150th anniversary is significant to the history and culture of the Town. <br /> Motion passed unanimously by all present. <br /> Richard talked about'the Memorial project and stilt working with the Mashpee Wampanoag <br /> Tribe Enrollment Department Director Rita Lopez on identifying wars and people. Has official <br /> list form Korean and Vietnam, needs help finding old timers that grew up here and could help <br /> with the project. Lack of records makes it difficult to get everyone and needs help reaching <br /> out. Richard shared the blueprints of the project and plans on attending,the next Veteran's <br /> affairs subcommittee meeting. Ava will attend with Richard and follow up with the <br /> Commission. Richard is also working on,the speaker series at the Towns Library kicking off in <br /> February 2019. The series wilt take place on Saturday afternoon from Feb-May with a break in <br /> the'summer. Meeting next week to finalize the list and work on other programs for the <br /> summer time. Rosemary recommended the history of Popponesset and maybe looking at <br /> project around the Fire/Police history. Richard and Kathy from the Library wilt work on <br /> advertisement and Brian Weeden will share with the Tribe's PR and Communications <br /> Department. The goat is leading up to 2020 and the Towns 150th Anniversary. The Commission <br /> would also Like to always have a representative from.the Tribe and feet it is important to work <br /> on the relationship between the Town and Tribe. Brian Weeden explained that the Mashpee <br /> Wampanoag Tribal Council has liaisons such as John Cotton who is liaison from the Board of <br /> Selectmen and we could request a Tribal Council Member be liaison from the Tribe. <br /> Expenditure request was put on the agenda by the Chairwoman to see if the Commission has <br /> any request such as books, equipment, screens, ect. The Commission had no request at that <br /> time and moved on to the next item on the agenda "Annual Report". Nancy has agreed to <br /> draft up the report and Ava ask that we send all items to Nancy. The next meeting for the <br /> Commission wilt be on February 7, 2019 at 4prn (EST). <br /> Motion made by Richard and 2nd by Brian Hyde to adjourn at 6:11 pm. Motion passed <br /> unanimously by all present. <br /> Respectrullq submitted 5,9: <br /> Brian M.Weeden, Mashpee Historical Commissioner, <br />