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j Co�urz ofM �j�cE <br /> r P. O. BOX 1109 <br /> MASHPEE. MA 02649 <br /> PLANNTNG BCA7D "!__-NU`ES : July 10, 1985 <br /> :'E',BERS PRESENT : Richard Dubin, ;Harold Collins , aichardson Jonas , <br /> Anthony Fer. ragamo <br /> .E'VBERS ABSENT : '. ichele Stone <br /> C0^TSULTING ENGINEER : Charles L. Rowley (8 :45) <br /> T0;11N PLANNER : Tom Fudala <br /> T T 19E. 8 : 0 8 P',1 <br /> The Board took up the continuation of the public hearing on Bay 'fiew <br /> 3uilders for their subdivision at the intersection of Rte . 130 and <br /> Cctuit Rd . <br /> Yr . Dittami said they showed the detail as requested . No letter was <br /> received from the Board of Health but the 4.5 days have lapsed . <br /> "r. Dubin felt there should be some sort of identification of the <br /> e easement . He asked for a covenant . ?r . Dittami said it 's <br /> the same covenant that was recorded before and :ze ' ll ;give the Board <br /> a copy of it . <br /> There were no comments from the audience and the 3oard took the plan <br /> under advisement for 11r. Rower to review. <br /> The Board opened the public hearing; on ?ark Place Realty subdivision <br /> at Rte . 130 and Noisy Hole Rd . <br /> "Tr, Raymond , the .engineer, said the development is about 60 acres and <br /> would be divided into 95 lots with one access on Noisy Hole Rd . and <br /> 4_ on ?te . 110 . It will be served by individual wells and sewers . <br /> +e said the Board reques red a 5C' * la, out on Noisy .-'ole %d . and r. <br /> ?owlet' sent ^i:n a -_'-,etch of what he wanted and he incorporated <br /> _'he Doard requested ir . :Raymond label parcel A as pa-r'.-� recreation . <br /> 'r -'udala asked who will develo- . ollow Rd . and .ix . =;aymond said the <br /> applicant will . <br /> �e Board requested . r . Raymond c)ut an explanation on, the plan re: a ,7 din <br /> the re _seeved any unre'Zistered land . r . Raymond agreed . ir . Dubin <br /> as'ced for comments . <br />