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on of M��lpeE <br /> P. O. BOX 1108 <br /> MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : 7/10/85 P. � . <br /> Mr. Rowley said he didn't have a chance to look over the revised pre- <br /> liminary. Mr. Kirrane noted that the 60 daysperiod to act on the <br /> plan is up July .14. <br /> The Board had the following comments : <br /> 1. show swamp/wetlands <br /> 2. note on plan -- no access on John Ewer Rd. as far as driveways <br /> 3 . the road is in the wrong ,place _ - <br /> 4. don't know-if this kind of subidivision that warrants - <br /> loading land right up with that many lots . <br /> 5. could go cluster or stay conventioial and donate :more <br /> tough spots to open space - <br /> 6. the Board didn't see that they needed 2 accesses' to ' , <br /> Mr. Jonas made a motion to deny ;the plan because of the access .;across <br /> the 2nd exit into Sandwich and because of the lots adjacent to that` <br /> road. Mr. Collins seconded and all voted in favor of denying`;the plan. <br /> Mr. Doyle presented a revised preliminary of the Winslow property <br /> on jte , 151 and Old Barnstable-Falmouth Rd. They placed it on°the. <br /> agenda for August- 7 after Mr. Rowley's review. - <br /> The Board signed the plan of Paul Tsimortos which was approved at the <br /> June 19 meeting. <br /> Petitioner: Stuart Bornstein <br /> Submitted by: Same <br /> - Type -of Plan: Preliminary <br /> Location: Pickeral Cove Rd. <br /> Fee : $50 (paid) <br /> Mr. Bornstein said he had already made small revisions at the advice <br /> of the abuttors . They will have 33 lots but 31 lots are allowed. , <br /> Mr. Lubin said they would have to prove they can get 33 lots by the <br /> formula. he also said the Board asks for 10%_ open space onaa <br /> regular grid subdivision. <br /> The Board asked that they change the equation, and change the plan to <br /> accomodate abuttors . They will bring in a revised plan on August 7. <br />