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6/19/1985 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
6/19/1985 PLANNING BOARD Minutes
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MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : June 19, 1985 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT : Richard Dubin, Harold Collins , Richardson Jonas , <br /> Michele Stone (9: 00) <br /> TOWN PLANNER : Tom Fudala <br /> CONSTYLTING ENGINEER : Charles L. Rowley (absent ) <br /> TIME : 8 : OAF Pm <br /> The Board took up the public hearing on Rogers & Marney 's subdivision, <br /> Rte . 28, which had been continued from the last meeting. Mr. Nye and <br /> Mr. Rogers appeared before the Board . <br /> Mr. Nye said 2 weeks ago Mr. Rowley had given him a lot things he <br /> wanted done and he said he complied with all of them . The Board re- <br /> viewed -the report dated 6/19 by Mr. Rowley . Mr. Rowley suggested a <br /> 300' buffer and Mr. Jorm agreed . Mr . Dubin felt it would straighten <br /> itself out as he 's agreed to combine 2 lots at the entrance . <br /> Mr. Dubin asked if there were any comments from the public and there <br /> were none . Mr. Collins made a motion to approve the plan. Mr. Jonas <br /> seconded and all voted in favor. They will sign the plan after the <br /> 20-day appeal period . <br /> The Board took up the public hearing on the ACEC area. Mr. Dubin read <br /> the notice as advertised in the newspaper (see attached) . <br /> Mr. Dubin: Tom, can you give us a briefing? <br /> Mr. Fudal.a : Well basically this was the article that was approved by <br /> town meeting last December. The changes were made 'between the adver- <br /> tising and the actual. -town meeting and the Attorney General shot it <br /> down. So we had to come back again. Only changes in it are some minor <br /> changes that allow for—the original version allowed for public roads <br /> and town roads . In terms of the area that would apply, that 's been <br /> changed to be consistent with what Falmouth just passed . 50' line <br /> from ACEC line and- Selectmen decided . to go with that . Original pro- <br /> posal was actually 50 ' from buffer that was in existence or) wetlands . <br /> Falmouth has 50' from 11 ' , contour. <br /> Mr. Dubin: OK. That was a hotly debated issue last time as I recall . <br /> OK any comments from the . . . <br /> Mr. Marsters : I -think this a significant change , making it the ACEC <br /> irftead of the wetlands . The wetlands is a very easily identified. area . <br /> Everyone knows where they stand . When you say from -the A.CEC , we don't <br /> even know where that is now. it was the 11 ' line . I understand now its <br /> gone up to 121 or higher. <br /> Mr. Fudala: No that hasn 't changed . The flood zone has changed but <br /> the ACEC area hasn't . <br /> Mr. Marsters : Nevertheless the ACEC can go back 112 mile . I thought <br /> it was a much better article when it was the wetlands and that 's what <br />
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