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PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : 6/19/85 P. 2 <br /> was voted on at the last town meeting, <br /> Mr. Dubin% Any other. . , <br /> Mike McGrath : Mr . Chairman, I 'm not a resident of Mashpee but I am <br /> a land surveyor and I would like to reiterate the -testimony I made <br /> at the public hearing in Falmouth . I think it 's unwise to establish a <br /> setback measured from an elevation. With the kind of benchmarks that are <br /> established throughout the area of the flood plain, that means they <br /> can be off as much as a 10th of a foot . A 10th of a foot on very <br /> flat ground can make a very significant difference in the location <br /> of the contour. It 's also the contour line in the very eratic and <br /> irregular in shape and any 2 surveyors surveying -the same parcel <br /> could come up with radically different locations of the ACEC versus <br /> the flood plain. I asked that the Town of Falmouth acutally take <br /> the map and establish base lines that any surveyor can reestablish <br /> precisely on the ground rather than have a setback from the contours . <br /> Unfortunately they didn 't listen to me but it 's still a terrible <br /> law when you think about it . I can stake a road from a contour and <br /> -tell the man 50 ' away . A surveyor coming in from a different con- <br /> tour can establishe the point at an entirely different location. <br /> Mr. Collins : I think we ought to get an opinion from Charley on this . <br /> Mr. Dubin: Let 's hypothetically- say we decided we liked it better <br /> the other way. I wonder if that 's too much of a change . <br /> George Benway: I would like to shed some light on that . I know <br /> Joe Reardon has looked at this and his school of thought is if you <br /> make it less restrictive than more restrictive as far as changing <br /> -the article , it 's been permitted . So if it went from the 50' or <br /> 100 ' back to the water it 's ok. I talked to another engineer, not <br /> Michael, and he was mentioning the same thing in many areas . You <br /> come -to a flat plateau and he said literally on those flat plateaus <br /> you could be off as much as 50, 60 or 75 ' and argue all month about <br /> it and no one 's right and no one 's wrong. <br /> Mr. Dubin: Well any other comments? <br /> Mr. Marsters : Just to go back one more . The important thing is <br /> Vouvre -trying to protect the wetlands . If you measure from the wet- <br /> lands , then you're protecting them. <br /> Mr. Dubin: Anything you want to say Tom? <br /> Mr. Fudala: No . <br /> Mr. Dubin: Ok. We 'll close the public hearing on that and the <br /> Planning Board will take it up later. <br /> The Board openen the public hearing on rezoning a parcel of property <br /> from residential -to commercial. Mr. Dubin read the notice as adver- <br /> tised in the newspaper (see attached) . <br />