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Tolun of ,Cw n!34pee <br /> R <br /> P. 0. BOX 1 108 <br /> MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br /> MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : 4/3/85 P 2 <br /> Petitioner: Roberts Realty <br /> Submitted by: Suanne McAnespie <br /> Type of Plan: Approval Not Required <br /> Location: Sampson's Mill R,' ./Simon's Rd . <br /> It 's a part of Maushop subdivision and it 's to give access to Sampson's <br /> Mill Rd . for lots 11, 12, 27 . The Board said this could only be done <br /> as part of the definite plan as they've already submitted -the preliminary <br /> plan. <br /> Petitioner: Roberts Realty <br /> S-hmitted by: Suanne McAnespie <br /> Type of Plan: Approval Not Required <br /> Location: Sampson's Mill Rd ./Simon's Rd . <br /> Ms . McAnespie said it 's only one piece of land involved to be registered <br /> at land court . The Board didn't understand the intent of her showing <br /> a second lot on the plan. They felt if they sign the plan, they would <br /> - be signing it for the' 2 lots . <br /> The Board said lot numbers , the owner of record and the zoning district <br /> need to be shown on the lan. The Board did not sign the plan and placed <br /> her on the agenda for 4/P17 . <br /> Petitioner: Phil Boudreau <br /> Submit-Led by: Frank Murphy <br /> Type of Plan: Preliminary discussion <br /> Location: Santuit Pond <br /> Mr. Murphy said it 's already been approved by the Sandwich Planning <br /> Board . Mr . Rowley asked if there was any reason why so much pavement <br /> was coming around . Mr. Murphy said there was no reason and he didn't <br /> see why he couldn' t swing it around as suggested . <br /> Mr. Marsters made a motion to approve the preliminary plan subject to <br /> -them increasing the open area at the s outherly end on the beach to <br /> approximately 1 acre , drawing the cul-de-sac back to the crest of the <br /> hill, and possibly providing additional drainage or green area and <br /> also that they submit a revised preliminary plan prior to the definitive . <br /> Mr. Jonas seconded and all voted in favor. <br /> At 9: 00 PAIII the public hearing was opened for Patrick Crowley/Mashpee <br /> Industrial Park. Mr. Dubin stepped down and abstained . Mr. Marsters <br /> read the public hearing notice as published in the newspaper. Mr . <br /> ' Rowley submitted a report . Mr. Crowley was represented by Richard Larger, <br /> Atty. , and Steven Wilson, BSC . The plan was to provide a 21 strip so <br /> the residential lot was not abutting the industrial drive . <br />