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C` nfutt of <br /> nljpEe <br /> P. 0, BOX 1108 <br /> 1,Qg E CO- MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br /> MASHPEE PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : March 20, 1985 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT : Richard Dubin, Earle Marsters , Michele Stone , <br /> Richardson Jonas <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT : Harold Collins <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER: Charles L. Rowley <br /> TIME : 8: 05 PM <br /> Petitioner: LaCava Trust <br /> Submitted 'by: Mike Dunning & Tom Devane <br /> Location: Quashnet Valley <br /> Atty. Dunning said -the plan is being submitted pursuant to a special <br /> permit issued in 1973 . He submitted a letter explaining the basis <br /> of the plan. He said applicable zoning permits the lots to be <br /> approved at 15, 000 sq . ft . as they were allowed then. He said <br /> it falls under Chapter 40A , Section 6. It wasn't an actual preliminary <br /> submission but just -to get information. The special permit said the <br /> finalized plans showing lots had to be approved by the Planning Board. <br /> Mr. Marsters said the Planning Board never saw the subdivision plans , <br /> but for the multi-family only. He asked for the letter the Planning <br /> Board had given at that time . <br /> Atty. Dunning produced the letter. He said as far as zoning it 's <br /> what was in affect in 1973 . Rules & regulations regarding the roads <br /> and drainage would be governed by present standards . <br /> The Board said they would have to bring this to Town Counsel and <br /> Mr. Dubin will let Atty. Dunning know when -to come back . <br /> Mr. Marsters asked if this plan would have any impact on any other <br /> lots in -the Quashnet Valley subdivision and Mr. Devane said yes , one <br /> other area. <br /> George Benway came before the Board to ask for a release of covenant <br /> at Bayview Condominiums . He said -the old subdivision road had been <br /> abandoned but- the covenant is still on .record . He would like a <br /> release as it applies to that part of the road that was abandoned . <br /> It releases lots 1-30 and not lot 31 or William Hughes ' lot . <br /> Mr . Rowley said theroad never received a final inspection from him <br /> the part they would still keep. Mr . Benway said he will get it in <br /> the works . <br />