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3 C` oiun ofM �je <br /> rA8 E P. O. eox 1 108 <br /> MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : March 6, 1985 <br /> MEMBERS PRESENT : Richard Dubin, Earle Marsters , Richardson Jonas , <br /> Michele Stone (arr . 9: 00) <br /> MEMBERS ABSENT : Harold Collins <br /> CONSULTING ENGINEER : Charles L. Rowley <br /> TOWN PLANNER: Tom Fudala (arr. 9: 00) <br /> TIME : 8 : 10 PM <br /> Chris Costa filed a preliminary plan for Joseph Neves on Pimlico Pond <br /> Rd . anc paid the $50 fee . He will return on March 20 for discussion. <br /> Atty. Ditami presented a preliminary plan of Shields Rd. for review. <br /> They're relocating the entrance from Cotuit Rd . to Rte . 130 . The old <br /> entrance would be an easement for utilities and the people at the end <br /> of the peninsula. He saidc they will clear the area for better <br /> visibility by the new entrance . Mrs . Greenberg asked if that area was <br /> commercial or residential and if they could build a house there . <br /> Mr. Marsters said it 's commercial but there is an article coming before <br /> town meeting to change it -to residential . Atty. Ditami is donating <br /> a parcel to the town. <br /> There was discussion on utilities and underground . A resident at the <br /> end voiced conerne and was advised to contact the power company and voice <br /> his concerns . <br /> Mrs . Greenberg was concerned that there 's no turn around where they've <br /> finished paving . She suggested using Horatio Rd . as a temporary turn <br /> around but felt they need something permanent . The Board agreed there <br /> should be a turn around or cul-de-sac to solve the problem and asked <br /> Atty. Ditami to give thought to a permanent solution. The Board accepted <br /> the plan and said he should have the separate parcel show a number and a <br /> note that it 's a non-buildable lot . <br /> Mr. Dubin said at the last meeting there was a question on the submission <br /> of plans belonging to John Jacobi , Philip Boudreau and Winslow Realty. <br /> He said the Board hasn't received an opinion from Town Counsel . He said <br /> he 's done research and it appears that the appeals court of Massachusetts <br /> said it 's proper to submit the preliminary plans to the Town Clerk by hand <br /> instead of registered mail . He said it doesn't hold for the Approval Not <br /> Required plan that was submitted for Peter Daigle . Mr. Dubin said all <br /> three plans will be placed on the agenda for 3720 for discussion. <br />