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j CZa(un of JEwallpee <br /> rAg E P. O. BOX 1 108 <br /> MASHPEE, MA 02649 <br /> PLANNING BOARD MINUTES : 3/6/85 P.3 <br /> Dennis Watekumas came before the Board regarding the subdivision off <br /> So . Sandwich Rd , and owned by Mr. Gill . The road was never put in. <br /> After discussion, it was determined that contiguous lots in the back, <br /> all owned by Mr. Gill, would now have to come under the new zoning by <br /> laws of 1 acre lots . <br /> The Board suggested he could come in and ask the Board to eliminate <br /> the subdivision and redesign it and not have so much road . They could <br /> do it as a cluster and drop down to 75 ' frontage . They took the plan <br /> back. <br /> Scott McAiskill came before the Board to discuss the Bufflehead pre- <br /> liminary plan. The Board came up with the following requirements : <br /> 1 . Show all frontage and building lines on the preliminary plan <br /> 2. Show reasonable open speace and usable open space <br /> 3 . Shcw 2 more accesses as there are too many dead ends ; would like <br /> to see Adams Rd . connected in and Amy Brown Rd , go all the way. <br /> 4. Look at the intersection of Redbrook Rd . <br /> 5 . 50' layout of Gray Hay and 22 ' pawing. <br /> Mr. Marsters made a motion to disapprove the plan based on these items <br /> cited . Mr. Jonas seconded and all voted in favor. <br /> The Board suggested Mr. McAiskill submit a revised plan as an informal <br /> thing before going to final . They also said they would like to see an <br /> overview of how the road will be connected . <br /> Scott McAiskill submitted a copy for the Board 's record an ANR plan <br /> on New Seabury which had been signed on Feb. 20 which he took to make <br /> changes on. <br /> Petitioner: So. Mashpee Highlands Trust <br /> Represented by: Bill Nye <br /> Location: Simons Narrow & Mashpee Neck Rd . <br /> Type of Plan: Preliminary plan discussion <br /> They reviewed Mr. Rowley's report : <br /> 1 . Mr. Nye agreed it could be adjusted <br /> 2 . Only for leach pits if have to - unsure <br /> _ 3_. Mr. Nye said he could take it out and incorporate it . <br />