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} <br /> i <br /> MASHPEE SEWER COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES <br /> TU SDA , JUNE 41 1996 <br /> SENIOR CENTER <br /> f <br /> Present: Tom Fudala, Dennis Balarini , Brad Caffyn i <br /> Meeting convened at 7 : 06 p.m. <br /> MINUTES <br /> Dennis made a motion to approve the minutes of May 2th. <br /> Brad seconded the motion. All members were in favor 3-- <br /> Review of statue and bylaw: the town adopted a series of state <br /> statues , in order to form the Sewer Commission. The Commission <br /> has the power to layout sewer lines , charge betterments and <br /> eminent domain takings . <br /> Weston and Sampons did a study for the town which showed it makes <br /> no sense to have 1. treatment plant for the town because the <br /> cost of pipes and pump stations and the depth needed for gravity <br /> flow. A series of sub regional plants is a better concept . The <br /> Sewer Commission looked at 4 sub regional plants . The East <br /> Mashpee plant got furthest along but a portion of the project <br /> needed to be relocated and it received an unfavorable gate at <br /> town meeting . There were 9 developers involved in the central <br /> pant of town, including Mashpee Commons. It was to be located at <br /> the rear of the industrial park. Because of the economy, most of <br /> the projects involved went out of business. <br /> Discussions with New Seabury for a south Mashpee plant fell apart <br /> because they were not interested in giving the town any excess <br /> capacity from the plant. This .was the last time the Sewer <br /> Commission had any active projects . <br /> There are two plants in town: willowbend and Mashpee Commons . <br /> Mashpee Commons had problems with high nitrogen levels , which was <br /> related to restaurant flows . DFP required them to upgrade the <br /> facility and they have doubled the size of the plant. Tom thinks <br /> that permit has been appealed. <br /> Brad would like the Commission to have an understanding of how <br /> things are running with the systems we have; get information from <br /> DP, heath department. <br /> e said Southport has a facility. <br /> Tom said there is a building with no equipment . <br /> Drag said maybe that plant could be built with excess capacity, <br /> for Lakeside , for example . <br /> Dennis asked about the high school plant . <br /> Tom said it wasn' t built with any excess capacity. They got a <br /> waiver for the capacity, based on actual flogs from other <br /> schools . Tom had suggested that the Sewer Commission run that <br /> plant but it got nowhere. The school department will run it. <br /> 1 <br />