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t <br /> Tom said there are 2 more plants about to be built : Stratford <br /> Ponds and Windchime Point . <br /> Brad asked if the town could make a determination that they get <br /> reviewed by the Cape Cod Commission, because of their critical <br /> impact? <br /> Tory said they were both already permitted by DEP. The projects <br /> already have town permits, it is beyond the permitting process . <br /> Projects with special permits prior to 1989 are exempted from <br /> Commission review. If there is a significant change to the <br /> project, the Commission can review the project. <br /> Brad said, knowing it is a highly sensitive area maybe they can <br /> review i t. <br /> Tom said the Boch Center is starting their review process. They <br /> are hiring a water resource consultant. There has been a meeting <br /> with the Commission staff. The project ill tie into the Mashpee <br /> Commons treatment plant. <br /> Legally, Windchime has it 's permits. They are not proposing <br /> changes in the number of units. <br /> The Planning Board could bring up the nitrogen issue with <br /> Windchime or the Commission may want to step in. Only the <br /> Planning Board, Z A, Cons Cam or Selectmen can refer a project to <br /> the Commission, the sewer Commission cannot . <br /> r�a d suggested we could made a recommendation o them, make them <br /> rare of the situation. Our ,fob is to try to reduce the nitrogen <br /> levels as much as we can in sensitive areas. <br /> Tom said the Sewer Commission has to be cautious in their <br /> approach because we want to Work cooperatively with developers , <br /> o their is the possibility of taking over their plant . <br /> Dennis suggested the Sever Commission could send a letter to the <br /> Planning Board about our concern about the Windchime plant , we <br /> want to see it designed to 5 parts per million. <br /> Torn will check the permit , it may already say 5 parts , which i <br /> the best technology available. <br /> Brad said the goal is to not have a lot -impact into the <br /> Mashpee River. <br /> Tom said the PEP and Board of Health are limited to human health <br /> issues . <br /> Brad asked if the EPA could become involved? <br /> Tom has never heard of the EPA becoming involved in waste water <br /> treatment . <br /> Brad said it is a water pollution issue, they deal with the <br /> environmental aspects. <br /> Tom said it is worth looking into . <br /> Tom said the Mashpee River is extremely sensitive because is has <br /> such a low flushing rate. <br /> Tom explained. the Cape Cod Commission has applied for a 319 grant <br /> to hire a full time person to work on the Popponesset Bay <br /> watershed. <br /> Torn said the issue for the islands and Pirates Cove is money and <br />