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r. <br /> politics . The town should try to get the biggest bang for their <br /> dollar. <br /> The study done for Monomoscoy and Seconsett island showed the <br /> cost of doing both islands with an on island plant 4 , 7 , 00, <br /> in 1990 . Since that study, the State has permitted alternative , <br /> decentralized systems. It would be best for the island to have <br /> shared cluster systems , all part of a management entity that <br /> would maintain the system. Residents would get a bill , like <br /> utility bill , for that service. <br /> Tom suggested the person hired from the 319 grant could do a. <br /> study for the Pirates Cove area on how much this type of system <br /> would cost for that area. <br /> If lines for a system are run past a unit , can the town require <br /> them t tie into the system' Tom said it sounds like a taking <br /> unless there is an important public health issue . <br /> Bennis will talk to the Town of Falmouth to find out how it was <br /> done there. <br /> Are there any grants for sewage treatment systems? <br /> Tom said the Federal government has given money to the State, <br /> revolving fund, to loan to municipalities to do projects. Tom <br /> will look into another possible source he knows of for small <br /> towns (under 1.0 , 0 ) . <br /> Brad asked if a sept-ic system failed, could the town help the <br /> homeowner out, so they could possibly install an alternative <br /> system? <br /> Tom said we run into problems because towns and the State cannot <br /> spend money to build a private facility. <br /> Maybe the town could provide loans. <br /> The Commission reviewed a. map of the town and areas of greatest <br /> impact . <br /> There are two areas of development right on the Mahpe River: <br /> Pirates Cove and River Bead. KV study found extremely high <br /> bacterial counts form the River Bend. Rick York, Shellfish <br /> Warden is starting a sampling program of the river and that will <br /> provide more information on the bacterial issue. <br /> Popponesset. Tom said that is not really a concern because it <br /> flows out to Nantucket sound. <br /> Popponesset Bay has a lot of capacity to deal with nitrogen, <br /> according to the Cape Cod Commission. <br /> Brad asked about Bean' Pond? <br /> Tom said he has never seem a water quality report on Dean' s Pond. <br /> He can find out if the Board of Health has done any testing in <br /> any of those ponds . <br /> Santuit Pond. That is fresh water, Torn explained phosphorous is <br /> the issue and that doesn't rove ire groundwater more than 300 <br /> feet . <br />