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The question remains who will pay for this . <br /> Mashpee Commons plant, what else can be tied in Deer Crossing, <br /> Sea Mist , possibly highlands and Holland Mills . <br /> The Johns Pond area, could possibly be tied into the Southport <br /> plant, an enlarged high school plant or a now plant on the Labute <br /> property. <br /> Otis also has a plant which is a possibility. <br /> Pimlico Pond area: density is too low. <br /> Town Hall, site is the potential location of a new elementary <br /> school and we could consider a new plant there. <br /> Belcher property, could be developed and a. plant could be <br /> required. <br /> South Mashpee, entire area is still very seasonal . <br /> Brad said there are , however, dramatic effets because of the <br /> summer residents and the highly sensitive area,_0 <br /> e suggested pump out systems for coastal , seasonal areas . <br /> It would need to be a self contained, sealed system. <br /> Brad suggested we talk to areas who have the same problem. <br /> Brad asked if there is any ttcredit" for people who change to a, <br /> better septic system? <br /> Tom said there is not , only a loan program. <br /> Tom said he heard each town was offered $20 , 000 to do a. waste <br /> water management plan. It was probably offered to the Board o <br /> Health. Tom will get more information on this, <br /> Seasonal residents : best a.ppr• is tight tanks and individual <br /> upgrades. <br /> New house construction: require de-nitrifying systems or tight <br /> tanks . <br /> Tom said the RTF system is put into existing septic tanks , he <br /> will get more information on this because is sounds perfect . <br /> Brad asked if we can require an upgrade at each sale , especially <br /> in the Popponesset area. Can it be put in the bylaw? <br /> Tom said the town is talking about designation the Mashpee River <br /> area a DC PC . This Commission can recommend it . <br /> The members agreed that <br /> Step 1 : is to get more presentable maps. <br /> Step : get more information from Barnstable , because this <br /> Commission has no money for a consultant . <br /> Brad said he can ask the person he mows who is an engineer and <br /> has expertise in this area to also talk with the Commission. <br /> Tom will talk to Barnstable. <br /> Brad will talk to Glouscester to find out what these various <br />