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i <br /> i� <br /> SEWER COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES <br /> THURSDAY, AUGUST 1 , 1996 <br /> SENIOR CENTER <br /> Present : Dennis Balzarini , Tory Fudala, Brad Caffyn <br /> Meeting convened at 7 : 13 p.m. <br /> Tam brought information for the members on the work the Sewer <br /> Commission has done in the past and groundwater information. <br /> e also brought journals , magazines and catalogs relative to this <br /> issue . <br /> Tom received the latest letter from the Task Force on de- <br /> centralized waste water treatment systems ) . The meeting of July <br /> 2nd was canceled and the new meeting date will be announced, <br /> sometime in September. <br /> i <br /> Tom ordered, and received, two publications from WBNER. He will <br /> copy them for the members for the next meeting . <br /> Brad asked what effects the new River bill will have on any <br /> sewage treatment plants in town? <br /> Torn said we don' t have any plants within 200 feet of a river. <br /> Tory has some information on sand filtration systems . They use <br /> more land but it is something to consider. <br /> The members discussed John Todd' s technology, which is being used <br /> at the Wellfleet septage treatment plant . It makes a. lot of <br /> sense , it is more attractive than a treatment plant , it looks <br /> like a greenhouse . He approached the Mas pee Board of Health <br /> years ago with a proposal to treat our septage . <br /> MINUTES <br /> Torn made a, motion to approve the minutes of July 2 , 1996 . <br /> Dennis seconded the motion. <br /> Tom mentioned that the grant administrator is a she , not he . <br /> All members were in favor of the amended minutes . ** <br /> Torn had a. copy of the grant application, prepared by the Cape Cod <br /> Commission for Bopponesset Bay, for members review. <br /> Tom explained that Voter Diniio talked to him about piping water <br /> down - deep injection wells , for the Mashpee Commons plant , <br /> instead of piping sideways , to another location. <br /> Tom reviewed the basic principle of what happens with deep <br /> injection wells . The theory is , if the water is injected deep <br /> enough, it won' t come out until the end of the water table , which <br /> is in the ocean, at the edge of the coast. . There is a bottom to <br /> the watershed . There is groundwater modeling being dome by the <br /> 1 <br />