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I <br /> work with the town. If this was the direction the Sewer <br /> Commission decided to go in, they would then have to ask town <br /> meeting- for funds to hire a consultant to help us do this . <br /> Dennis said the town is going to ask why we would want to do <br /> this? <br /> To hook up Cotuit Day Condos . <br /> Dennis said the Commission needs to have a good explanation of <br /> the necessity for that . <br /> Brad said we have to do something , we can' t just sit hack. we <br /> should be ready to present it to May sown meeting . <br /> Torn said we have to first develop a, plan and hire someone to <br /> develop a management scheme . <br /> If the cape Cod commission does not get, that grant , he doesn' t <br /> know what we will do . <br /> Tom said the Sewer commission must review the waste water element <br /> for the local comprehensive plan. Tom will draft it and them <br /> bring it to the members for their comments/review. <br /> Brad suggested Tom tell the cape Cod Commission we are interested <br /> in doing this and see what they say about it. Do they have <br /> waste water expert? <br /> No they don' t . <br /> Tom explained when the study was done for Monomoscoy and <br /> Seconsett Islands it said it would take $3 . 5 million to pump <br /> effluent from there to the Bufflehead Day plant . It would cost <br /> $4 , 600 , 000 to build sand filtration system on the islands . <br /> The members agreed to try to meet on the second Tuesday of the <br /> month. <br /> Next meeting September loth. <br /> Meeting adjourned at : 00 p . m. <br /> Minutes submitted by Arden R. Cadrin <br />