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*• it <br /> able to tie in in the future . <br /> Who would pay to tie Cotuit Bay condos into the plant' <br /> What happens when the Willowbend unit come on line and you have <br /> to expand the treatment plant? <br /> Tom said Bob Whritenour laughed him out of his office when he <br /> tried discussing a sewage system. <br /> Brad said it is not a joke anymore . we have alternatives that are <br /> better than what we are using treatment plants vs . septic <br /> systems) . <br /> Tory said the idea, when creating the sewer Commission was to <br /> combine some of the plants in town, and create extra capacity , <br /> The problem is coming up with the money from the town. <br /> Brad asked if the new river act provides Cons Coin with any <br /> leverage over Cotult Day condos: Tom will talk to Bob Sherman <br /> about that . <br /> Tom thinks Ma.shpee Commons is waiting for the State to change the <br /> laws so individual owners can tie into a treatment plant <br /> Advantages/Disadvantages to taking over any last <br /> Advantage., would be a, starting point for a town system, <br /> Disadvantage ; would have to get up front money from town meeting ,, <br /> Would need money to hire a consultant . <br /> The town could set up an enterprise account , money from this <br /> endeavor would go into it and the sewer Commission could spend <br /> it , <br /> Brad asked how the Water District began: <br /> Tom explained they got an appropriation from town meeting to hire <br /> a consultant on how to start and run a water district . They <br /> decided on a separate district because it would be outside of <br /> prop 2 1/2 and the debt cap of the town. <br /> Brad said another advantage is oversight, local, responsibility <br /> for the plants . <br /> Tom said any problem with the plants is then our responsibility. <br /> Brad thinks a lot of people in torn are in favor of local control <br /> of these areas. <br /> Tom said the sewer Commission should try to develop a scenario of <br /> what, plants we want to take over, and what units we want to add <br /> to those systems . They will them have to look at the cost of <br /> sewer limes and the cast of expanding plants to meet those <br /> capacities . An analysis will have to be dome of future <br /> management costs , fees charges and the Commission will then have <br /> to go to town meeting to get a budget to accommodate this . <br /> Tom said the Commission can talk with WIllowbend, suggest we are <br /> thinking of taking over their plant , ask if they are willing to <br />