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f ev <br /> MASHPEE SEWER COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES <br /> JOINT MEETING ITH BOARD of ALTH <br /> THURSDAY,JULY 169199 <br /> TOWN HALL <br /> Sewer Commission Present: Tom Fudala,John Cahalan <br /> Board of Health Present: Steve Ball, John Doherty,Bob Oran, Elias McQuw*d <br /> The Sewer Commission meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. <br /> Board of Health 6hairman Bob Cram welcomed the Sewer Commission. <br /> Tom F dala discussed some of the work of the Sewer Commission over the last 3-4 months. <br /> They have been meeting with Mashpee Commons and working towards potential solutions <br /> towards the Mashpee River nitrogen loading issues. <br /> The proposed concept, as a first step, is taking the treated effluent from the existing and <br /> proposed treatment plants and dispose of it outside of the Mashpee River recharge. The concept <br /> is for a pipeline down to the New Seabury area. The Sewer Commission put it on the table to <br /> Mashpee Commons. They had their consultant look at the issues. <br /> It may not go all the way down to New Sabry because they were projecting a$2 million cost. <br /> Another possibility is now all the way down to New Seabury but out of the Mashpee River <br /> recharge area. Tom pointed out another potential site on the neap,to the back side of the <br /> ind st6 l park. <br /> When New Seabury has to bld their treatment plant for Section 5 they could share some of the <br /> cost of disposal. The Commission will approach the new owners. <br /> The Sewer Commission was hoping to get a piece of property for a disposal area near the golf <br /> course when the town was going to receive land in lieu of taxes but it didn't work out that way! <br /> John Doherty said Mashpee Commons is having good results with their treatment facility. By <br /> moving this effluent,what kind of effect will in have on the River. <br /> `one responded that even with good treatment,because of the volume Mashpee Commons plans <br /> to generate, and then add possibly win chime and Talanian development, it is a lame amount of <br /> load,. <br /> N4ashpee Commons and Talanian have talked about tying in other developments into their <br /> plants, like Sea Nfi t, Police and Fire Station,Elderly Housing. That can be dome if it becomes a <br /> public system. <br /> 4 <br /> This brings up the issue of regwin*ng people to tie in. If the town starts developing public <br /> systems, can we require people to tie in Where is a public benefit to everyone in town by <br /> cleaning the Rivers and Bays. <br /> When it gets to that point,the Sewer Commission will be looking to a town bylaw or Board of <br /> Health regulation requiring people to tie in. They posed this question to Mashpee Commons' <br /> consultant and asked him to look into any existing laws. <br /> He, came back, after a discussion with IP, and said it can be done. Fairhaven has clone a <br /> f <br />