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similar thing. Tom also thinks Falmouth did a similar thing. <br /> The Sewer Commission would like the Board of Health to start thinking about adopting that kind <br /> f regulation. <br /> John Doherty said the issue is focusing on the Rivers and Bays but it effects all groundwater in <br /> general. If it benefits groundwater,he'll support it. Everyone thinks town water is the answer <br /> but its not. <br /> Toni agreed. It makes more sense to develop a sewer system to keep the water clean before <br /> water system. <br /> Steve Ball said the Board of Health is considering a regulation to require commercial <br /> development install a de-nitrifying septic system. What if they do put in one of hose expensive <br /> systems and then we adopt this- requiring them to hook into a treatment plant? <br /> Tom said there needs to be a plan. -nitrifying systems can be installed in pasts of town where <br /> it is not cost effective for a surer system. when George Heufelder addressed the watershed <br /> Management Committee he did not thin you can justify de-nitrifying systems because we can"t <br /> be sure it will fix the river and bay,even with everyone on a system. Brian Howes' study is <br /> working on those issues. <br /> For commercial developments with de-nitrifying systems, Cooks and 99, if we do get the <br /> pipeline in place they can hook into it just like a treatment plant. <br /> Tom said that Brian Howes' study will take 2 years but we should have some numbers by next <br /> year. Tom wants to start work on a facilities plan and will be able to use that information. <br /> However, there are a few developments active now which are not going to wait for a town wide <br /> master plan. <br /> It is difficult for the Sewer Commission because they do not have any money. Mashpee <br /> Commons has been good in allowing their consultant to work on some of these issues. <br /> Another option for the pipeline may be that it has two disposal areas, with the second being used <br /> s a summer"back up <br /> Elias McQuaid asked how the I 's attitude has changed regarding ownership of treatment <br /> plants? <br /> Tom said it hasn't changed. The town would have to own the pipeline. To add other <br /> developments to an existing punt,the town would have to take over ownership. <br /> The willowbend and windchime Point special permit requires them to tuna the plant over to the <br /> town if we-want it. <br /> e is hoping,based on historical records, to get the state to agree to adding in additional <br /> capacity to the plants because they will never have the amount of flow they are designed for. <br /> Tom said he got the impression, from John Doherty, that the Sever Commission may have some <br /> support for the bylaw or regulation requiring hookup? <br /> Steve Ball gave his support. <br /> 2 <br />