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f <br /> MASEIPEE SEWER COMMISSION MIE TING MINUTES <br /> WE NES A ,AUGUST 12, 19 <br /> 'o'er <br /> Present: John Cahalane, Torn Fudala,Dennis al an i <br /> Meeting convent 7: '7 p.m. <br /> MEWTES <br /> John made a motion to approve the minutes of July 7, 1998. Toni seconded the <br /> motion. All members were in favor 2- * <br /> John made a motion to approve the minutes of July 16, 1998. Toni seconded the <br /> motion. All members were in favor 2- * <br /> Torn explained that Nlashp a Commons could not attend tonight's meeting. At the last meeting <br /> they asked their consultant,Duncan wood, to look into an interim disposal area for, instead o <br /> going al the way dawn to the Bay. He has been on vacation and Doug Storrs has not yet spoken <br /> to him about that issue. <br /> Torn pointed out the only two other potential areas: land behind the Industrial park, which was <br /> originally the site for a sewage treatxnent plant. Theoretically the flow will get down as far as <br /> the mouth of the Mashpee River. <br /> The second site is a piece of land right next to the Tribal Council land. That will flow to <br /> Popponesset Bay. <br /> Toni thinks that might be a tough sell to the community because even if Ppponsst Bay can <br /> handle it, most people don't like that Idea. <br /> Tom will try to talk with some tribal council members to see what they think of that, if they <br /> thin it is reasonable. <br /> There will have to be more work done to see exactly where the groundwater flows to. <br /> Tom will talk to the Tribal Council before the next Sewer Commission meeting. He will ask <br /> Doug Storrs and Duncan wood to attend. <br /> Tom has started working on the RFP for a consultant to develop a wastewater facilities plan. <br /> e will Issue the RFP but it will say we don't yet have funds. This way we can determine how <br /> much it will cost. <br /> Dennis asked Tom if he had an idea of how much it will cost? <br /> Tom said Bam t ble's cost$1.5 million. <br /> John gins timing is right to get the money for the plan now. <br /> Tom also thin people are starting to understand sewers are needed. <br /> Toni thinks its best to break the plan up into sections, for funding purposes. <br />