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4 <br /> John asked about the proposed residential school,how will that fit into this plan? They should <br /> also he hooked in. <br /> Tom said it is only 23 one bedroom units. They will have shared septic systems and the pipe will <br /> o to one location so they will be east to hook in. <br /> John asked if we have to do a facilities study in order to build the pipeline? If the study costs <br /> $250,900 that is one-quarter of the pace of the pipeline. <br /> Dennis said eventually we will have to put sewers in. why spend the money to study it <br /> 'one said we can start cost estimates and design of the pipeline now, we should pursue the pipeline <br /> even without the study. <br /> t John asked if,between Talanian and Mash pee Commons could the come with � . . <br /> � � � � �n.�llron of <br /> the 2 million for the pipeline`? <br /> Tom thinks the Sewer Commission should pursue that. <br /> John thinks to have that commitment up front would help to sell it to the town. <br /> Tom said because the system will keep growing so to determine what a fair share is is very <br /> complicated, <br /> e said the cost could be covered by a bond,the developers pay one half on a bond of their own and <br /> the town pays one half As others hook in,it pays down the town's bond and the developer's bond. <br /> Dennis asked if we need a study to determine if the interim location will work? <br /> r Tom said yes,more hydro eolo +cal studies and test wells ill need to be done. <br /> John would prefer a way to get it all the way down to New Se bu r right away. <br /> Worn said it makes some sense for an interim site because there won't be enough flow at first, only <br /> during peak tines during the summer. <br /> Tom suggested that it Haigh be a goad time to talk to willowbend about taking over their plant <br /> because they just bought Shoestring Bay Estates. In order not to condorninturie them and still <br /> hook then up to treatment,the town could take over the plant. <br /> John asked what the advantage is to the town in taking it over`? <br /> Tom said it starts a system and the town can then pick up other subdivisions, like Clipper Ship <br /> Village. <br /> Meeting adjourned at 7:50. <br /> NEXT SC DULE MEETING: WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1 , 99 7:00 P.M. TOWN <br /> TF I� <br /> Mutes submitted by Arden R. Cadrin <br />