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11/5/1998 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
11/5/1998 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
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ct <br /> can have. <br /> Enterprise fund: must estimate amount of income for the coning fiscal year and that has to be <br /> submitted to the Board of Selectmen. They then submit recommendations to town meeting. <br /> During the fiscal year, funds can go its and out of this fund and not out of the general fund. It is <br /> not totally separate from the town meeting process. <br /> Where are limits to the amount that can go into a revolving fiord,but not to=enterprise fund. <br /> John asked if you can borrow against that? <br /> Ms. McKnight said here is no borrowing in anticipation of revenue. The use of an enterprise <br /> funds is standard for sewer systems. <br /> Worn said are enterprise fund is not an independent financial_resource,you have to go through the <br /> Board of Selectmen and town meeting? Ms. McKnight said that is correct. <br /> For separate authority you have to set up a district, like the water district,through an act of <br /> legislation. The legislature usually wants to see a vote of town meeting also to create the district. <br /> John asked how coup you make the water district municipal? <br /> Ms. McKnight sad the legislature has the power to dissolve a district. The Council of Water <br /> Districts argued that you need a vote of the water district. <br /> John asked if at some point you would want a water and sewer district acting together with a <br /> municipality? <br /> Worn said the benefit to keeping them separate is for bonding purposes,because of the limit on <br /> debt for a municipality. The water district bonding is separate from the ton caps. <br /> John asked if this adds cost because the town is running 2 entities. Tom does not think they <br /> have a lot of common facilities or staff. The tax collector and assessor are common. <br /> Ms. McKnight said they can eater into inter mumcipal agreements for those functions. Both <br /> town meetings (municipal and district)have to authorize it. <br /> Worn asked if it is common for municipalities to contract out the operations of their-treat'nent <br /> plants? <br /> Ms. McKnight has not seen a lot of that. Usually they are operated as a municipal-department. <br /> "horn explained that M shpee has many private plants in town now that are operated by the <br /> developers/owners. <br /> Ms. McKnight has seen several towns getting together for a regional plant through an inter <br /> municipal agreement. + <br /> Torn explained the proposed pipeline idea to Ms. McKnight. The proposal is to move treated <br /> effluent out of the Mahee River watershed which is over lowed with nitrogen. Where is only a <br /> small area in New Seabury where the groundwater goes out to Nantucket Sound and not into the .; <br /> Bays. At some point the Sewer Commission could be in the business of only moving the effluent <br /> down the road,not offing any treatment plants. <br /> Ms. McKnight asked if the town would prefer'private entities treat their own sewage and the <br /> public role is to provide the pipe to move the effluent? Tom said that is what we're looking at <br /> now. - <br /> 2 <br />
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