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r <br /> They presented a detailed time line, with the recommended plan being ready in September, 2000. <br /> Ton wastewater nitrogen removal approaches: stormwater treatment, education and regulations for <br /> fertilizer use, waterfowl control, zoning controls, increased flushing. <br /> They also presented a list of nitrogen removal technologies for on site and cluster systems and <br /> centralized wastewater treatment. <br /> How do you handle all of this information? what are the strong and weak points of each? <br /> Steams and wheeler has developed a standard set of criteria and use a matrix configuration to <br /> evaluate. DEP and the Cape Cod Commission has revi wed and approved the list of criteria. <br /> Benefits of a client focuses approach: Stearns and wheler anticipates a team of key players, including <br /> the town, Dr. Howes, S & W. They will incorporation the Town's needs. Gain public support, by. <br /> including as many people as possible. Develop something that is iplernentable. Develop teamwork <br /> through coordination. Combining envirommental assessment with alternative evaluation, develop <br /> funding opportunities: traditional and non traditional. <br /> Increased public participation and outreach: Stearns and wheler has included a separate pricing with <br /> another consultant, Regina villa Associates,to provide additional public relations work in order to <br /> build consensus. The key to building consensus is to get the information out there, have good <br /> discussions and feel you have addressed every alternative. This more detailed proposal on public <br /> outreach is in addition to the proposal with an additional price. <br /> The project manager will provide a lot of public participation but for"outTeach"they use Regina villa. <br /> QUESTIONS: <br /> 1. Tom asked, beyond wastewater facilities, what other nitrogen management strategies could they <br /> recommend? <br /> S & w: they will make recommendations on regulations, zoning, and implementation, including <br /> management structures. 'There are some simple things which can be clone,including soil testing o <br /> public lands to get data for fertilizer requirements and provide that information to town residents. <br /> Look at critical thresholds of ernbayments, and allover an"allocation71 for remaining developable land. <br /> Look at total load rather than concentration level. Site plan review, prevent runoff from landscaped to <br /> paved area. 'Where are a lot of non wastewater opportunities,but the biggest is future development. <br /> John asked if Bill Arcieri is a separate consultant` <br /> He is a consultant but on Stearns and wheler's tarn. <br /> . Tom thinks the criteria matrix for wastewater technology is great, do they have a similar approach <br /> for non wastewater alternatives? <br /> S & w said they will look at non wastewater alternatives with the same set of criteria. <br /> 3. Worn asked about the cost for shallow well injection vs. other alternatives? <br /> S & w said the costs are 0% of the capital costs for open sand filter beds. The well injection requires <br /> lot less acreage as well as less cast for clearing the land and the environmental impact. The operation <br /> and maintenance is higher with well injection. However, there is still a significant savings with well <br /> injection. <br /> 2 <br />