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Mas pee Sewer Commission <br /> MinutesT 0 W _ A <br /> ._ <br /> 'r n vv 4 E R <br /> 1 -.,: 1­� V I C L <br /> Meeting of February 19, 2002 <br /> 0 2 t-ll A Y 2 13- A H I 1 16 <br /> - The meeting convened at 7:i .m. with members Cahalane and Fudala present. As the <br /> Board Secretary was not required to be present due to minimal Commission business, <br /> .. .� minutes were kept by Chairman Fudala. <br /> Mr. Ed Baker of the CAC requested that his comments and those of others on the ENF <br /> should be seat to all CAC members, along with a list of CAC membership. <br /> Chairman Fudala indicated that both would be done when the Commission's Stearns <br /> wheler's response to Secretary f urand's Certificate on the E F was sent out. <br /> Ms.s. Stephanie Jones then' introduced Nelson E. widell of Waste Options Atlantic, LLC, <br /> who gage a presentation on his firm's"rotary digester" and associated technologies for <br /> composting municipal solid waste and sewage sludge. Ms. Jones was disappointed that <br /> the Assistant DPW Director, who was specifically invited due to her roll at the landfill, <br /> did not attend this presentation. <br /> Waste options Atlantic operates these facilities in Marlboro and Nantucket, under a 20 <br /> year agreement in Marlboro and a 25 year agreement on Nantucket. Their operations <br /> have resulted in a %-recycling rate in'Marlboro and an % rate on Nantucket. <br /> 'heir`Rotary Digester' is a large steel drum tube with baffles which turns slowly while <br /> air is blown into it. As 0%of municipal waste is organic, the rotary digester <br /> fermentation process is able to turn a- 1 nix of garbage and sludge, with water added if <br /> necessary, into primary compost in a number of days (attaining temperatures of 131 <br /> degrees f, which kills all bacteria), at which time the material is "' screened to remove <br /> plastics, metals etc. and windrowed in an aeration building (air is blown up through the <br /> floor into the piles of compost) for weeps before final 3 " screening., For the best <br /> cony ost, it should then be lef t in outdoor windrows for about months. The finished <br /> p <br /> product is considered Class 1 compost, which is allowed to be used for any crops. <br /> Topsoil can be made by mixing with sand. All metals have cone out below EPA <br /> standards. Marketing of the compost requires approval of the Mate. Leaf and yard waste <br /> should be composted separately outdoors, and could then be mixed with their final <br /> compost if you want.. Their compost can also be used to inno ulate yard waste to get it <br /> started in compost piles. <br /> Sludge is not mandatory. A facility in Minnesota adds urea and water instead. <br /> Very costly sophisticated odor control air handling system, as Mass. odor control ales <br /> are the toughest in the world. <br />