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dd <br /> The cost is about double what l rlashpee is now paying SEMASS to burn our trash. <br /> However, when current contracts expire $ ton) and we are required to pay the full <br /> cost for that operation $1 2 -1 ton), similar to other areas, the cost will be <br /> competitive. He estimated that fees would be $75-80 ton for garbage and$ 00 dry ton <br /> ($75 vet ton for sludge around here. Their contracts are based on a fee ton with a <br /> minimum required tonnage. Some places want a% of the compost profits, others leave it <br /> to them. <br /> The Nantucket facility treats 20,000 tons of solid waste and 7,000 tons of sludge per year.on a 10 acre site (along with a"Materials Recycling Facility" and a"Take it or leave it"' <br /> slop) and is being used to digest the garbage in Nantucket's old landfill (22 of 44 acres so <br /> far). <br /> Nantucket is very strict on recycling. They require clear trash bags so reyclables can be <br /> seen and have an ordinance mandating separation of glass, tin, aluminum and-plastic. <br /> This is backed up by WIA refusing to accept mixed trash from trash collection <br /> contractors, who then enforce against their customers. <br /> The Marlboro facility treats 40 tons of garbage and 20 tons of sludge per day on a 6 acre <br /> site. The technology is sc leable down to 2-3 tons per day at a minimum. <br /> Sludge must h at least 1 -20% solids. <br /> The firm is working with a number of towns on the lower Cape and has been selected for <br /> a similar project on Martha's' vineyard. They are also looking into gassification of plastic <br /> wastes, which must now be landfilled after being screened out of the primary compost. <br /> (Then Liquid petroleum would be distilled from the gas to power an engine to generate <br /> electricity. This may be tried in Marlboro. <br /> The Commissioners thanked Mr. widell for his presentation-and Ms. Jones for arranging <br /> �t. <br /> Where being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. <br /> Submitted by F. T. Fudala <br />