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regarding fishing in a licensed aquaculture site). Thomas seconded the motion. All voted unanimously in <br /> favor of the revisions. <br /> Recommendation for new Shellfish Commission member: <br /> Thomas: "We have a spot that is open on the Commission. The applicant must first submit a letter of <br /> interest to the Board of Selectman. The Shellfish Commission would then hold interviews for the <br /> vacancy. Once an applicant is chosen,the shellfish commission would then make a recommendation to <br /> the Board of Selectman. Richard Cook has shown interest in joining the Commission, and is a licensed <br /> aquaculture holder within the town. He would offer his insight and knowledge to the commission on <br /> behalf of the other grant holders in town. So if you are interested you can send a letter to the board of <br /> Selectman to get this process started. We are eager to have the commission filled. Darryl is great to have <br /> on the commission he has offered his involvement in public access and shellfish regulations etc. We <br /> have a lot on our plate and involving the different players bring much useful knowledge to the board." <br /> Additional Topics <br /> Motion: Thomas made a motion to approve the 5-8-2018 minutes. Christensen seconded the motion. All voted <br /> unanimously in favor. <br /> Adi ournment <br /> Motion to adjourn made by Holmes 8:45 pm, seconded by Thomas. All voted unanimously. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Ashley Fisher, Commission Secretary <br />