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4 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> February 13, 2020 <br /> APPOINTMENTS & HEARINGS <br /> Town Manager Rodney C. Collins: <br /> Fiscal Year 2021 Budget Recommendation: (continued) <br /> The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Expense Account has increased to support the <br /> purchase of an upweller, a pump system to sustain young shellfish seedlings. An article is being <br /> considered for the Special Town Meeting to purchase the upweller unit in May for use during the <br /> upcoming growing season. Figures are being determined for this expenditure. Currently it is <br /> estimated to cost $33,000. If the project moves forward, the operational budget would thus be <br /> reduced. The $132,840 budget also includes the purchase of surveillance cameras. There have <br /> been identified violations that warrant further enforcement action and protection of the Town's <br /> investment in the aquaculture remediation program. <br /> The Building Expense Budget has also increased due to the cost of Weights & Measures, a <br /> service required by M.G.L. The Town is engaged in a contract for this service with the Town of <br /> Barnstable. In the past the Town of Barnstable paid for the services with the monies collected. <br /> The formula has been adjusted, and the alternative is more expensive. In reviewing the options, <br /> the function provided by the Town or Barnstable still represents a cost savings to Mashpee. <br /> Due to the need for beach nourishment,the continuation of the road maintenance plan adopted <br /> by the Board of Selectmen, drainage projects and the pavement study the DPW Expense Budget <br /> has increased by 20.3%. <br /> It was noted the Town Engineer position; $91,000 is now identified as a Sewer Commission <br /> Salary Expense line item. As the Town moves forward with wastewater it is better suited to <br /> maintain the Engineer position under the Sewer Commission to serve as a technical resource. <br /> The position was previously placed under the DPW as an Assistant DPW Director and Town <br /> Engineer position. with the change of focus it is the intention of the Town to employ an <br /> Engineer with direct experience in wastewater for effectiveness and to maintain fiscal <br /> responsibility. The new job description will reflect the position modification. <br /> The Transfer Station is also showing a significant increase due to the contract adjustment for the <br /> hauling of solid waste. <br /> The Finance Committee Reserve Fund; $100,000 has an appearance of a 146.7% increase due to <br /> the recent transfer of funds to offset the Transfer Station solid waste contract. <br /> The Veterans membership budget, an increase of 12.5% is based on prior year estimates. <br /> Proposed salaries and expenses are inflated just under 1%. The increase does not include any <br /> contract settlements at this time. <br />