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was Ms. Laurent's opinion that it would be unnecessary to hire a consultant for Energy and <br /> would be gathering the information that had already been collected. <br /> The Chair inquired about the funds request and Mr. Lehrer confirmed that Town Counsel would <br /> be drafting a letter to request the funds. Mr. Lehrer would copy the Planning Board when the <br /> letter was sent. <br /> There was also discussion about a grant allowing Mashpee to purchase four electric vehicles and <br /> two charging stations, which could be added to the Energy section of the LCP. The Chair <br /> inquired about accessibility to public charging stations in Mashpee. It was confirmed that <br /> Mashpee had Tesla charging stations and universal charging stations, which should also be added <br /> the Energy section. <br /> Mr. Lehrer suggested that reducing the need for a consultant to redraft Energy may reduce the <br /> need to request additional funds from Town Meeting. Mr. Balzarini inquired about Municipal <br /> Building and Facilities and,Mr. Phelan confirmed that it was a large section and previous bench <br /> marks had not yet been met. Mr. Lehrer confirmed that he would follow up with Ms. Laurent to <br /> inquire whether she would have additional information about that section. <br /> CHAIRMAN'S REPORT <br /> The Chair reported that she attended the Board of Selectmen meeting, but that there was <br /> no discussion regarding the draft Warrant for Town Meeting. The Chair did emphasize to the <br /> BOS the importance of considering the Solar Bylaw, despite being out of cycle for consideration <br /> of a Bylaw. Mr. Lehrer confirmed that the updated Solar Bylaw was in Board members' <br /> packets. The Chair referenced Road Taking Articles identified in the paper, noting that she had <br /> already received comments and suggested that plans be reviewed by Mr. Rowley. The Chair <br /> recommended a workshop to provide a public forum, and asked that it be added to the agenda. <br /> Mr. Lehrer confirmed that the road taking did not require a Public Hearing. There was <br /> consensus from the Board that Mr. Rowley review the plans and Mr. Lehrer confirmed he would <br /> provide the necessary information. <br /> BOARD MEMBER COM UTTEE UPDATES <br /> Cape Cod Commission-A Public Hearing for the Notice of Intent, Mashpee Commons <br /> Agreement would take place at 3 p.m. on Thursday, March 5 at the Barnstable County Complex. <br /> The notice was sent to Board members by email. <br /> Community Preservation Committee-No meeting <br /> Design Review Committee-No update <br /> Plan Review-No update <br /> Environmental Oversight Committee-Mr. Cummings reported that an Article to ban <br /> plastic straws and polystyrene had been submitted to the Board of Selectmen. Additionally, <br /> Articles to purchase cranberry bogs would be on the Warrant, and would assist in the clean-up of <br /> Santuit Pond by draining the water into the bogs. Additional quahogs would be added to <br /> Ockway and funds had been acquired to assist with the realignment of Quashnet River. <br /> Greenway Project& Quashnet Footbridge-No update <br />