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#22-Mr. Hansen noted that Energy had not been included, but it was an important <br /> consideration to include alternative energy sources for growth in Mashpee. It was determined <br /> that Availability of Renewable Energy Alternatives would be added to the question. <br /> #23-Mr. Lehrer recommended the addition of Affordable Pre-K Childcare <br /> #26-Mr. Lehrer needed to collect additional information. There was discussion about <br /> comparing percentage to acreage. The land area amount would be added. Additionally, <br /> "undeveloped land" would be changed to"open land." <br /> #27-Public Access to Shellfish Areas would be added and "following publicly funded <br /> recreational facilities." <br /> #28-CRTA would be added to b-Bus& Sea Line <br /> #33-Mr. Phelan inquired about the type of accessible living facilities being referenced in <br /> this question. It was noted that ADA compliance was already a requirement. The Chair <br /> responded that it was her belief that Mr. Callahan intended the question to allow for improved <br /> accessibility and dwelling units and suggested changing it to Accessible Living, rather than <br /> Facility. There was discussion regarding age friendly, ADA accessibility and there was <br /> consensus to change the wording to Accessible Living. Mr. Lehrer recommended creating pull <br /> down menus in place of the column bubbles of high, medium, low and unsure. There was <br /> consensus that the Chair would follow up with Mr. Callahan and work with Mr. Lehrer regarding <br /> the clarification and finalization of this question as it related to Accessible Living. Mr. Lehrer <br /> noted the importance of data collection using questions with scientific value. <br /> #34-Add Alternative/Renewable Energy Technology,Explore Additional Industrial <br /> & Commercial Districts, Explore Expansion of Industrial & Commercial Districts to <br /> Include a Mix of Uses. <br /> #35-There was discussion regarding the intent of the question and whether Mashpee was <br /> providing the service listed, and the Chair confirmed that it had previously provided valuable <br /> data and Mr. Phelan noted that it would be helpful to compare it to previous responses. <br /> #36-A space with 256 characters would be provided to allow additional feedback about <br /> Mashpee's future. <br /> MOTION: Mr. Balzarini made a motion to accept as amended and authorize the Chair to <br /> work with Mr. Lehrer and Mr. Callahan to work on the one question and finalize the <br /> survey. Mr. Cummings seconded the motion. All voted unanimously. <br /> The Chair confirmed that if there were any major problems, she would bring them back to the <br /> Planning Board. The survey would remain open until the first week of June. <br /> Regarding the Preference Survey, it was recommended that Board members take photos as they <br /> noticed appropriate buildings on Cape. It was intended that the Preference survey be developed <br /> in the fall. <br /> A Scope of Work was needed for the RFPs for Energy, Economic Development and Municipal <br /> Building and Facilities. Mr. Hansen had been in discussion with Ms. Laurent, who confirmed <br /> that, as a certified Green Community, Mashpee fulfilled specific requirements to meet the <br /> qualification, and data was available from the certification. For example, the DPW partnered <br /> with Cape Light Compact to address lighting. Additionally, future goals had been identified. It <br /> 2 <br />