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Town. of Maslipee <br /> 16 Great Xeck&ad ukbrth <br /> Wasltpee,hTassachusetts 02)64.9 <br /> MASHPEE ZONING BOARD OF APPEALS <br /> MEETING MINUTES <br /> JUNE 24,2020 <br /> The Mashpee Zoning Board of Appeals held Public Hearings on Wednesday, June 24, <br /> 2020, at 6:00 p.m. in the Waquoit Room at the Mashpee Town Hall, 16 Great Neck Road <br /> North.Chairman,Jonathan D.Furbush,Board Members William A.Blaisdell,Ron Bonvie, <br /> Scott Goldstein, Norman J. Gould, and Associate Members Sharon Sangeleer, George <br /> Ganzenmuller, and James Reiffarth were present. <br /> Chairman Furbush opened the meeting at 6:03 pm and announced that the hearings were <br /> being televised live on Mashpee TV as a remote virtual meeting. Sitting on this hearing are <br /> the four regular board members, and George Ganzenmuller. <br /> NEW HEARINGS <br /> 14 Bowsprit Point: Owner, James R. Sperzel requests a Special Permit under §174-17.1 <br /> of the Zoning Bylaws to raze and replace an existing four(4)bedroom residential structure <br /> and swimming pool on property located in an R-3 Zoning District, Map 105 Parcel 224, <br /> Mashpee,MA. <br /> Attorney Kevin Kirrane represented the raze and replace project at 14 Bowsprit Point.Also <br /> present was Tom Bunker,with BSS Design. Mr.Kirrane provided a site plan of the project <br /> highlighting the existing structure, and the location of the new structure. The existing <br /> structure is non-conforming in two aspects. There is a non-conforming side yard setback <br /> of the northwest corner, and a non-conforming setback from the wetlands of the northeast <br /> corner of the large deck shown on the plans and photos he provided. There is also a <br /> swimming pool in the middle of that deck as well. The intention is to remove the non- <br /> conforming aspects of the existing structure, replace it with a new structure that will <br /> conform to the side yard setback criteria, and the setback from the wetlands. Currently, <br /> under the revised plan, the building itself is setback 15.5 ft. from the sideline 52 ft. from <br /> the coastal bank, and 56 ft. from the marsh. Those two non-conforming situations have <br /> been eliminated as part of the new proposal. Also, the proposed building designs were <br /> attached to his written presentation. <br /> The lot itself is a combination of two lots shown on a couple of land court plans. The lot is <br /> just over 18,000 sq. ft. and was built back in the 1980's and currently has four bedrooms <br /> as shown on the photos provided,and there is also a cabana that basically provided another <br /> bedroom.There is an accessory pool and dock complex shown on the site plan as well.The <br /> new structure will contain four bedrooms but will not have a cabana. There will be an <br /> attached garage and a swimming pool surrounded by a patio blocks around the pool. The <br /> lot is situated in the R-3 Zoning District, and requires 40,000 sq. ft. of lot area, and 150 ft. <br /> of frontage. <br /> 1 <br />