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[Agenda topic 3] Wastewater Management <br /> Discussion. Mike brought a letter he had written, asking the Selectmen that the western side and the <br /> southeastern tip of Mashpee Wakeby be included in Phase One of the Comprehensive Wastewater <br /> Management Plan. The lake is one of our finest resources and needs to be protected before it becomes as <br /> badly degraded as Santuit Pond. Presently the lake is included in Phase Five of the plan which will not be <br /> addressed for forty plus years. Don made the motions to send the letter with two corrections and Don <br /> seconded it. The vote was unanimous. Mike will send the letter and attend the sewer commission <br /> meeting as well as speak at the Selectmen's meeting in two weeks. <br /> Conclusions: The committee hopes to convince the Town to move forward on wastewater management <br /> around the lake, rather than putting it off for decades to Phase five. <br /> [Agenda topic 4] Trash in Boat ramp area <br /> Discussion: Brian reported the State boat ramp area needed to be cleaned up by DPW again. There is a hot <br /> water heater, TV,remains of a dock by the shed, and suitcase that has been disposed of there. Brian feels <br /> DPW should do regular inspections and clean up in the area. Barbara will call DPW. <br /> Conclusions: Large items have been disposed of at the boat ramp area and need to be cleaned up by <br /> DPW. <br /> [Agenda topic 5] Guests <br /> Discussion: We were pleased to welcome two guests to our meeting. They live on Santuit Pond and boat <br /> weekly on Mashpee Wakeby. They were interested in learning what can be done to help protect Mashpee <br /> Wakeby from becoming like Santuit Pond. <br /> Conclusions:Two guests attended our meeting. <br /> The meeting was adjourned at 7:35 P.M. <br /> Respectfully submitted, <br /> Barbara B. Nichols <br />