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1/21/2010 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
1/21/2010 SEWER COMMISSION Minutes
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d e <br /> questioned spending additional funds to review the technology evaluation that was already completed <br /> by Stearns& Wheler. The Chair responded that the technology evaluation would not be revisited but. <br /> that Lombardo Associates would assist in developing additional scenarios, while GHD remains the <br /> primary consultant. Sufficient funds are currently available. Bill Hall, of GHD, responded that he <br /> would not have an issue working with Lombardo Associates, adding that GHD must remain within the <br /> bounds of the scope of their contract or additional compensation may be required. The Chair noted <br /> that the intent was to develop 2-3 additional scenarios, which has been included in the contract. Mr. <br /> Berrelli suggested that if Lombardo Associates assists the Commission, a clear understanding of their <br /> contributions would be needed since GHD has the main contract and responsibility for the project. <br /> Jerry Potamis, Falmouth Wastewater Superintendent, suggested that the collection system would be <br /> secondary since the main goal is meeting the TMDL and the challenge is how to get the wastewater to <br /> the treatment system. Chairman Fudala indicated that he would like the consultants to take a close <br /> look at the map of Mashpee to examine appropriate locations for specific treatment facilities and <br /> collection systems. The Chair added that the town's existing systems should be considered. Chairman <br /> Fudala also noted that there are 4 significant plants in town that offer the potential for expansion at <br /> Willowbend, Mashpee Commons, Southport and New Seabury. It was also noted that the MMR <br /> proposal has not yet been included within the scenarios. The Chair stated that previous scenarios also <br /> did not include watershed numbers specific to Mashpee and requested that Mashpee's share of the <br /> numbers be identified in the future. <br /> Moving forward, the Chair plans to review town maps with the consultants as well as review the <br /> Stearns& Wheler report on their SewerCad modeling of a sewer system for the Popponosset <br /> watershed. Mr. Gregg noted that,by having existing systems, Mashpee already has a cluster system <br /> with discharge areas in place. Mr. Howes questioned whether an analyses had been completed to <br /> determine the total maximum volume allowable on each of the parcels, with the Chair responding that <br /> it not yet been completed. Mr. Gregg responded that their scenarios included use of what was <br /> approved for each site, and includes the development of supplementary discharge areas as needed. The <br /> Chair added that 3 of the sites are located at golf courses where the capacity may be capable of <br /> doubling by adding discharge areas in other parts of the golf course. The New Seabury golf course <br /> includes an effluent discharge area which had initially been modeled for '/z million gpd. The Chair <br /> added that discharge permits allowing increased flow were acquired from DEP without an expanded <br /> plant at Willowbend, in order to tie in the Cotuit Bay Condominiums, indicating their potential for <br /> additional capacity. The Chair noted the discharge area projections developed by Sterns &Wheler for <br /> the USGS particle tracking groundwater model noting the capacity for discharge at each site. Mr. <br /> Gregg responded that Nate Weeks used State guideline figures, based on soil conditions of 2 '/z gpd per <br /> square foot for subsurface and 5 gpd per square foot for open sand beds. GHD conducted hydraulic <br /> loading tests in open sand beds in other Cape towns to measure how fast draw down occurred and <br /> determine how fast water would be accepted in the sand. The resulting value was reduced by 10-15% <br /> by the EPA and the State for a factor of safety. The State then required that it be tested again <br /> following the design of the system. <br /> The Chair stated that money is currently available for needed archeological studies. Mr. Gregg <br /> expressed concern about the Mashpee River located near the landfill site, further stating that the <br /> limiting factor will be how much nitrogen can be added to the watershed down gradient of Site 4. It <br /> was added that the Ashumet Road site might make it harder to meet the targets for Waquoit Bay. The <br /> Chair questioned Mr. Howes as to whether he had identified watersheds that could take on more load <br /> during his analysis. Mr. Howes responded that there were some areas that could take more. The Chair <br /> emphasized the need to direct as much load as possible to the New Seabury golf course,through the <br /> 2 <br /> i <br />
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