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10 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> September 3, 2020 <br /> Review draft explanations for actioned articles: (continued) <br /> Article 98 (Public Works Contract—Unit A) - Mike <br /> FinCom Explanation: This article appropriates and transfers funds from revenue available for <br /> appropriation the negotiated adjustments to the Public Works Unit A for Fiscal Year 2021, which <br /> is the first year of a three-year contract. This will have no impact on the tax rate. <br /> Article #9 (Public Works Contract—Unit B) - Mike <br /> FinCom Explanation: This article appropriates and transfers funds from revenue available for <br /> appropriation the negotiated adjustments to the Public Works Unit B for Fiscal Year 2021, which <br /> is the first year of a three-year contract. This will have no impact on the tax rate. <br /> Article#10 (Plastic Bottle Ban) - Mike <br /> FinCom Explanation: This article will prohibit the Town of Mashpee from purchasing, and <br /> additionally from selling, any beverage in single use plastic containers on town property, with <br /> two exceptions: 1. When involved in safety operations and 2. In the event of a declaration of <br /> emergency both to be further defined. This will have no impact on the tax rate. <br /> Article#11 (Short-term Rental) - Darlene <br /> FinCom Explanation: This article amends the General Bylaws for Rental Property. With the <br /> implementation of the Short-Term Rental registration and inspection program, it is anticipated <br /> that the Health Department could process more than 900 license and registration renewals yearly. <br /> To manage this workflow efficiently, the Department recommends staggering the dates. The <br /> Short-Term Rental Certificates would expire March 31 and the on-line renewals would begin <br /> February 1 of each year. They also request some latitude with issuing Temporary Rental <br /> Certificates if it becomes difficult to do so prior to the begimung of the rental season. This will <br /> have no impact on the tax rate. <br /> Article#12 (Lake borne Watercraft) - Jeff <br /> FinCom Explanation: This article authorizes the amending of the Town of Mashpee By-Law <br /> to add language prohibiting the use of Personal Watercrafts on Ashumet Pond. This language <br /> duplicates language in the Town of Falmouth's By-Laws regarding the prohibition of these crafts <br /> on Ashumet Pond, which is bordered by both towns. This will not only bring Mashpee's By- <br /> Laws in alignment with Falmouth's on this matter, but will also improve both towns' and the <br /> State's ability to enforce the ban. This will have no impact on the tax rate. <br /> Article 13 (Amendment to Section 174-24. B) - Pat <br /> FinCom Explanation: This article adds a new subsection which sets forth updated pre- <br /> construction steps and criteria for site plan review for stormwater compliance. This will have no <br /> impact on the tax rate. <br />