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11 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> September 3, 2020 <br /> Review draft explanations for actioned articles: (continued) <br /> Article 14 (Amendment to Section 174-27.2) - Pat <br /> FinCom Explanation: The article adds phosphorous to the list of chemicals to be reduced to <br /> the protect natural resources, describes the required standards for the design of treatment and <br /> infiltration practices of stormwater management systems. Also, it incorporates these provisions <br /> to include roadway widening and an increase of impervious areas upon redevelopment. This will <br /> have no impact on the tax rate. <br /> Article 915 (Driveway/Parking Lot Paving Thickness)—Darlene (voted against due to <br /> expense of homeowner) <br /> FinCom Explanation: This article amends the Zoning Bylaws to meet the Massachusetts <br /> Standard Specifications for paving all parking areas and driveways; this article specifies a <br /> change to the required thickness of the dense-graded crushed stone or reclaimed asphalt. The <br /> paving is to be 8 inches or, if using good a binding gravel or suitable base material to 12 inches. <br /> The article specifies how the parcel should be properly shaped, compacted, the subsoil clear of <br /> roots and replaced with solid fill if necessary, to support the finished surface. All parking areas <br /> are to have a minimum of 3 inches paved surface. This will have no impact on the tax rate. <br /> Article 916 (Climate Change) - Mike <br /> FinCom Explanation: This article seeks to enjoin all Mashpee residents in the effort to attack <br /> climate change by supporting through their personal willingness, activities that help manage our <br /> land, biodiversity, and natural resources, as a way to reduce our Town's vulnerability to climate <br /> change. This will have no impact on the tax rate. <br /> Article#17 (Route 151) - John <br /> FinCom Explanation: This article provides the Town with the necessary ability to design <br /> Phase One of the Route 151 Corridor Improvement Project from the Mashpee Rotary to just <br /> beyond the intersection with Old Barnstable Road. In particular, this article gives the Town <br /> several legal options necessary to construct the improvements consistent with the approved plans <br /> in cases where private property overlaps the project layout. Most of these instances are small <br /> parts of larger property, but are necessary for construction and line-of-sight enhancement. It is <br /> anticipated there will be no or little cost to accomplish this, however the article provides the <br /> Town with the flexibility in response to the circumstances of each property. This will have no <br /> impact on the tax rate. <br />