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4 <br /> Finance Committee <br /> Minutes <br /> August 27, 2020 <br /> APPOINTMENTS & HEARINGS <br /> Ed Larkin Deputy Moderator; Update on filling vacancies on Finance Committee: (continued) <br /> Deputy Moderator Larkin indicated the Annual Town Report lists the year of the term of Finance <br /> Committee members. It is the only committee that does not have a specific day and month of <br /> expiration. As we move forward Mr. Larkin in his duties as Deputy Moderator will verify the <br /> exact dates of the Finance Committee appointments with the Town Clerk to co-inside with the <br /> three year appointed term to ensure the process is duly followed. Mr. Brady was appointed by <br /> the Town Moderator on August 27, 2020. His respective term will therefore be effective from <br /> the 27"' of August hence three years. <br /> In considering the previous inquiry regarding the responsibilities of the Finance Committee as it <br /> relates to the Charter, Mr. Larkin indicated the Town Charter Committee functions primarily on <br /> the essential structure and operation of Town Government. <br /> Mr. Larkin has served on the Town Charter Review Committee and the regular review of the <br /> Charter has been recently changed. It is now permissible to conduct a review in less than a 10 <br /> year period. <br /> Mr. Larkin recommended that more attention be given with regards to correct procedure. This <br /> includes timely and equal advertisement as with other town positions when a Finance Committee <br /> vacancy arises. Deputy Moderator Larkin indicated he would ensure there is adequate <br /> advertisement for the vacant positions. It was noted the Board of Selectmen publish a periodic <br /> vacancy list that does not include the Finance Committee as the Board of Selectmen are not the <br /> appointing authority. The Town Moderator makes the appointment, and the Finance Committee <br /> has always been an independent committee. <br /> Finance Committee member John Miller offered to draft a procedure to facilitate the goal to <br /> include the sequence of events when a vacancy is created until the Town Moderator would make <br /> the appointment. Mr. Larkin agreed to follow up with this request with the Town Moderator. It <br /> was determined if any work is conducted with the Town Moderator it will not be considered as a <br /> required task of the Finance Committee. <br /> In other matters Deputy Moderator Larkin indicated the Finance Committee is responsible under <br /> the mandates of the Town Charter to request that an annual independent audit. Although using <br /> the same auditing firm may represent a cost savings, it was recommended that an auditing firm <br /> take on the task for a period no longer than 3-years. <br /> In closing Mr. Larkin wished the Finance Committee a very good success and commented in <br /> high regard to the Finance Committee Report prepared by the Finance Committee for the benefit <br /> of the citizens of the Town of Mashpee to assist in their review of the Town Meeting warrant. <br />