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58 <br />'Warrant for Annual Town Meeting <br />MARCH 4, 1963 <br />BARNSTABLE, SS: To the Constable of the Town of <br />Mashpee GREETINGS: <br />In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, you <br />are hereby directed to notify and summons the inhabitants <br />of the Town of Mashpee, who .are qualified to vote in the <br />elections, to meet at the Town Hall on Monday, the fourth <br />day of March 1963 at seven o'clock p.m. for the following <br />purposes: <br />To act on the articles contained in the following warrant. <br />To meet at the Town Hall the following Wednesday, March <br />6, 1963 to bring in their votes for the election of officers as <br />adopted by the town. The polls will be open at twelve o'clock <br />noon and may be closed at seven -thirty p.m. <br />The meeting was opened at 7:31 p.m., March 4, 1963, <br />by Moderator, William Yundt. <br />The tellers were Mrs. Adeline Hicks and Miss Eleanor <br />Peters. The tellers polled the house. There was 72 registered <br />voters present, which is a quorum. <br />Rev. Frederick R. Nagle offered a prayer. Mr. Joseph <br />McGrath was introduced as Town Counsel. <br />A motion made and seconded to dismiss reading of the <br />warrant. Voted unanimously. <br />Article 1. To choose all necessary Town Officials who <br />are not elected under the Australian Ballot System: <br />Sealer of Weights and Measures <br />Burial Agent <br />Herring Warden <br />Harbor Master <br />Finance Committee Members <br />