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71 <br />Said parcel being at the Southerly end of a proposed <br />"Great Oak Road Layout, dated August 1962" and revised in <br />February 1963, a copy of which is filed with the Town Clerk, <br />and will raise and appropriate the sum of $1.00 for such <br />purpose or take any other action thereon. <br />Action: Motion made and seconded to accept article as <br />read. Voted 61 for, none opposed. <br />Article 30. To see if the Town will vote to raise and <br />appropriate or take from available funds in the Treasury the <br />sum of $175.00 for the installation of seven (7) new street <br />lights: <br />1 Light—Monomoscoy Road, Pole #127/42 <br />1 Light—Rte. 151, opposite Brick Yard Rd., Pole #39, <br />1 Light—Ninegret Ave., Pole #20 <br />1 Light—Cayuga Ave., Pole #3 <br />1 Light—Shorewood Drive., Pole #3 <br />2 Lights—On South Sandwich Rd., Pole #9 <br />and one other Pole <br />Action: Motion made and seconded to accept article as <br />follows and to raise and appropriate the sum of $175.00 for <br />the installation of seven (7) new street lights: <br />1 light—Monomoscoy Road <br />Pole #127/42 <br />1 light—Rte. 151 opposite <br />Brick Yard Rd. <br />Pole #39 <br />1 light—Ninegret Ave. <br />Pole #20 <br />1 light—Cayuga Ave. <br />Pole #3 <br />1 light—Shorewood Drive <br />Pole #3 <br />2 lights ---On south Sandwich Rd., <br />Pole #9 <br />and one other Pole <br />Voted 39 for, 4 opposed. <br />Article 31. To see if the Town will vote to have some <br />of the roads in the Town named after some of the Old Indian <br />Families. Same to be designated by the Planning Board or <br />take any other action thereon. <br />Action: Motion made and seconded to accept article as <br />read. Voted unanimously. <br />