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72 <br />Article 32. To see if the Town will vote to accept a gift <br />of $3,703.38 from the Emil Hanslin Associates for the Library <br />Building Fund or take any other action thereon. <br />Action: Motion made and seconded to accept article as <br />read. Voted unanimously. <br />Article 33. To see if the Town will vote to accept a <br />library plan from the Library Building Committee and to <br />raise and appropriate or transfer from available funds in the <br />treasury the sum of $21,300.00 in addition to the sum donated <br />to the Town by the Emil Hanslin Associates to defray the <br />cost of building the library or take any other action thereon. <br />Action: Motion made and seconded to accept a library <br />plan from the Library Building Committee and to raise and <br />appropriate the sum of $21,300.00 in addition to the sum <br />donated to the Town by the Emil Hanslin Associates to <br />defray the cost of building the library. Voted 46 for, 5 <br />opposed. <br />Article 34. To see if the Town will vote to accept a <br />plan for additional office space at the Mashpee Town Hall <br />from the Town Hall Building Committee and to raise and <br />appropriate a sufficient sum of money from the Treasury to <br />defray the cost of building such addition(s) or take any other <br />action thereon. <br />Action: Motion made and seconded to raise and appro- <br />priate the sum of $35,000.00 for additional. office space at <br />the Mashpee Town Hall. Vote none for, 48 opposed. <br />Article 35. To see if the Town will vote to raise and <br />appropriate or take from available funds in the Treasury <br />the sum of $2,530.00 to completely overhaul the flat roof over <br />the Town Hall or take any other action thereon. <br />Action: Motion made and seconded to raise and appro- <br />priate the sum of $2,530.00 to completely overhaul the flat <br />roof over the Town Hall. Voted 48 for, 7 opposed. <br />Article 36. To see if the Town will vote to establish Con <br />servation areas under Chapter 132 of the General Laws in the <br />Town of Mashpee at the following locations. <br />