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73 <br />(1) Marsh and wetlands bordering and adjacent to Flat <br />Pond, Salt Pond, Sagelot Creek, Sagelot Pond, Waquoit Bay, <br />Great River, Jehu's Pond, Abigail's Brook, Little River, Ham- <br />blin's Pond, Dutchman's Brook, Red Brook, Seconsett Chan- <br />nel, Popponessett Bay, Popponessett Creek, Mashpee River, <br />Santuit River, Ockway Pond, Ann's Cove and Gould's Spring. <br />(2) That any property or property easements within <br />this defined area now owned or hereafter acquired by the <br />Town shall be placed under the care and custody of the Con- <br />servation Commission to hold and administer for conserva- <br />tion purposes. <br />(3) That the present uses of such land for hunting, <br />fishing and shellfishing shall be continued. <br />or take any other action thereon. <br />Action: Motion made and seconded to accept article as <br />read. Voted unanimously. <br />Article 37. To see if the Town will vote to establish a <br />Conservation Area under Chapter 132 of the General Laws as <br />follows:. <br />Beginning at the Westerly line of the present Town Hall <br />lot, Southerly by the Westerly line of Great Hay Road and <br />Bearses Road so-called to Simon Lowe's Bars so-called, <br />thence in a South Westerly direction so as to include Prisse's <br />Spring near a cranberry bog, thence Southeasterly to Quash - <br />net Road, Easterly along Quashnet Road to Great Hay Road, <br />thence Southerly along the Westerly line of said Hay Road <br />to Lowell Road, thence Easterly by the Southerly line of <br />Lowell Road to Asher's Path, thence Northeasterly by the <br />Easterly line of said Asher's Path to Quashnet Road, crossing <br />said Quashnet Road to Booker's Road so-called, thence the <br />same course along Booker's Road to a point near the Daniel <br />Amos Road, thence Westerly to the Southerly line of David <br />Walker, along the southerly line of David Walker's land to <br />a point at the Westerly line of said David Walker, thence <br />in a Northerly linesat the Westerly boundaries of Walker, Ed- <br />wards, Turner, Booker, Green, Avant, Foster, Pocknett, Ford, <br />Jeffers and any others along this line, to the Southeasterly <br />